46 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
purchase model in others. We are considering creating a new fund or a separate budget line for e-books for the next
fiscal year.
E-books are not differentiated from paper books in our collections budget. We acquire e-books both as one-time
purchases and as continuations.
I checked that the funds are included on lines for one-time purchases, since I needed to make a single choice. Some
are also on continuation funds.
Individual titles via NetLibrary are from one-time budget lines, but several e-book collections (Books 24x7) are from
continuations. Your survey should have allowed for multiple selections in the question about budget allocations —
those categories are not mutually exclusive.
Most e-book packages are purchased with unbudgeted money, either end-of-year money or special funding requests.
Title-by-title purchases are generally done from subject allocations for monographs, competing with print purchases
in the same subject.
We actually use both monographic funds and continuation funds to fund e-book collections.
We allow selectors to move their book funds to e-book funds (one-time purchase) or, if they wish, “e-book ongoing”
funds to pay for collections such as Books 24x7.com.
We are growing e-books based on usage on costs and decreasing print for the same reasons. We’re trying to
determine which type of content needs to be in print, which work well in both formats, and which work best as
We are working very hard to convert existing print monies to electronic. We do not have a separate pot of money
to devote to e-books per se, and will not be able to make up for huge differentials in pricing from print books to
We have access to e-books both by subscription and purchase the money has come from both our serials and
monographic budgets.
Clarification of above: e-books can be purchased in one or more budget lines for one-time purchases, or for
continuations, or for both. Two budget models: As above and reallocated one-time funds.
We do not have a separate budget specifically for e-books. Selectors have both monograph and continuations
fund lines available for purchasing in print or electronic format in their subject area(s), and they use the fund lines
appropriate to the situation. For example, one-time funds would be used for the initial purchase of a large e-book
collection, but the continuing access fee would then be paid from continuations funds.
We have subscriptions to some e-book collections and purchase others. We use both one-time and continuation
We reallocated some monies for experimentation.
You should have allowed respondents to have more than one choice on this question. Most of our large purchases
of e-books have come from end-of-year money that was not originally part of our budget or from private funds. It
is reallocated in the sense that in the past we might have spent it on microfilm or indexing databases, but it is not
reallocated from regular funds that we would have spent on print books. It is new money in that it is not part of
purchase model in others. We are considering creating a new fund or a separate budget line for e-books for the next
fiscal year.
E-books are not differentiated from paper books in our collections budget. We acquire e-books both as one-time
purchases and as continuations.
I checked that the funds are included on lines for one-time purchases, since I needed to make a single choice. Some
are also on continuation funds.
Individual titles via NetLibrary are from one-time budget lines, but several e-book collections (Books 24x7) are from
continuations. Your survey should have allowed for multiple selections in the question about budget allocations —
those categories are not mutually exclusive.
Most e-book packages are purchased with unbudgeted money, either end-of-year money or special funding requests.
Title-by-title purchases are generally done from subject allocations for monographs, competing with print purchases
in the same subject.
We actually use both monographic funds and continuation funds to fund e-book collections.
We allow selectors to move their book funds to e-book funds (one-time purchase) or, if they wish, “e-book ongoing”
funds to pay for collections such as Books 24x7.com.
We are growing e-books based on usage on costs and decreasing print for the same reasons. We’re trying to
determine which type of content needs to be in print, which work well in both formats, and which work best as
We are working very hard to convert existing print monies to electronic. We do not have a separate pot of money
to devote to e-books per se, and will not be able to make up for huge differentials in pricing from print books to
We have access to e-books both by subscription and purchase the money has come from both our serials and
monographic budgets.
Clarification of above: e-books can be purchased in one or more budget lines for one-time purchases, or for
continuations, or for both. Two budget models: As above and reallocated one-time funds.
We do not have a separate budget specifically for e-books. Selectors have both monograph and continuations
fund lines available for purchasing in print or electronic format in their subject area(s), and they use the fund lines
appropriate to the situation. For example, one-time funds would be used for the initial purchase of a large e-book
collection, but the continuing access fee would then be paid from continuations funds.
We have subscriptions to some e-book collections and purchase others. We use both one-time and continuation
We reallocated some monies for experimentation.
You should have allowed respondents to have more than one choice on this question. Most of our large purchases
of e-books have come from end-of-year money that was not originally part of our budget or from private funds. It
is reallocated in the sense that in the past we might have spent it on microfilm or indexing databases, but it is not
reallocated from regular funds that we would have spent on print books. It is new money in that it is not part of