60 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
We have only two years of e-book data thus far, so we can’t really determine a trend.
Stayed about the same
We expect increase as we purchase more.
User Satisfaction
27. Has your library conducted any studies about users’ satisfaction with the e-books in your
collections? N=72
Yes 12 17%
No 60 83%
If yes, please briefly describe what elements of satisfaction (e.g., subjects, ease of discovery, ease of
use, etc.) were studied and what was discovered about users’ impressions of e-books.
As part of a library satisfaction survey, users were asked to rate 2 general elements in relation to e-books: importance
of e-books to the user’s work as well as their satisfaction with e-books overall.
Briefly, of those who answered the survey (1,547 of approximately 47,000 mailed) a majority were aware we had
e-books, a majority of those who had used them liked them, and wanted MORE. The major reason stated for not
using e-books was unawareness that the library offered them. Respondents indicated that they appreciated 24/7
access, portability, and the ability to search full text. Most users indicated that they relied on the library gateway or
search engines such as Google for discovering content.
During the early days of e-books, we had some classes that used e-books for their assignments and the instructor
and students were surveyed as to their satisfaction, which at the beginning (2001) was not very favorable. Comments
included: Lack of mobility, Ergonomic concerns, Rigidity of checkout periods, Need to print out for future reference,
Not knowing how to use all e-book features.
Features preferred how much of the e-book read in one sitting how long spent reading online which books used.
In general, users like the ease of use and availability from any location at any time, but they don’t trust e-book
reliability. Users want standard platforms as well as unlimited printing and downloading capabilities.
Informal survey of user experience with the short-term loan program available through Ebook Library (EBL). Survey
revealed that users’ impressions of e-books preferences regarding e-books vs. print varied widely.
Nothing formal except for actual usage studies. We get LibQUAL+ and suggestion box comments and lots of faculty
requests to buy e-books for courses, plus student comments and thanks, etc.
There is a regular question in on more general user survey that asks about general satisfaction with e-books.
Response was mixed much less positive than for e-journals or e-reference materials.
We have only two years of e-book data thus far, so we can’t really determine a trend.
Stayed about the same
We expect increase as we purchase more.
User Satisfaction
27. Has your library conducted any studies about users’ satisfaction with the e-books in your
collections? N=72
Yes 12 17%
No 60 83%
If yes, please briefly describe what elements of satisfaction (e.g., subjects, ease of discovery, ease of
use, etc.) were studied and what was discovered about users’ impressions of e-books.
As part of a library satisfaction survey, users were asked to rate 2 general elements in relation to e-books: importance
of e-books to the user’s work as well as their satisfaction with e-books overall.
Briefly, of those who answered the survey (1,547 of approximately 47,000 mailed) a majority were aware we had
e-books, a majority of those who had used them liked them, and wanted MORE. The major reason stated for not
using e-books was unawareness that the library offered them. Respondents indicated that they appreciated 24/7
access, portability, and the ability to search full text. Most users indicated that they relied on the library gateway or
search engines such as Google for discovering content.
During the early days of e-books, we had some classes that used e-books for their assignments and the instructor
and students were surveyed as to their satisfaction, which at the beginning (2001) was not very favorable. Comments
included: Lack of mobility, Ergonomic concerns, Rigidity of checkout periods, Need to print out for future reference,
Not knowing how to use all e-book features.
Features preferred how much of the e-book read in one sitting how long spent reading online which books used.
In general, users like the ease of use and availability from any location at any time, but they don’t trust e-book
reliability. Users want standard platforms as well as unlimited printing and downloading capabilities.
Informal survey of user experience with the short-term loan program available through Ebook Library (EBL). Survey
revealed that users’ impressions of e-books preferences regarding e-books vs. print varied widely.
Nothing formal except for actual usage studies. We get LibQUAL+ and suggestion box comments and lots of faculty
requests to buy e-books for courses, plus student comments and thanks, etc.
There is a regular question in on more general user survey that asks about general satisfaction with e-books.
Response was mixed much less positive than for e-journals or e-reference materials.