SPEC Kit 313: E-book Collections · 61
We did a survey in 2005, so it is now outdated.
We have not studied users’ satisfaction, but we have conducted several surveys regarding preferences for format.
Interest in acquiring more e-journals is very high interest in e-books is tepid by comparison, though beginning to
Answered No
A task force devoted to e-books may take on user satisfaction surveying over the next fiscal year. Thus far, feedback is
collected on an ad hoc basis or anecdotally by subject selectors and others.
However, respondents to the LibQUAL+ survey ask for more e-books in general and comment on the difficulty of
discovering e-books and navigating to same.
No formal studies, but certainly anecdotal evidence has accumulated.
Our user surveys have focused on whether users prefer paper or electronic, not specifically on whether they are
satisfied with e-books.
We did a survey to see if they would be interested in experimenting in e-books.
Expectations for the Future
28. Please indicate whether you think the trends below will increase, decrease, or stay about the same
at your library in the next three years. N=71
N Increase
Stay about the same
Growth of e-book collections content 71 67 — 4
Educational efforts for librarians/library staff 71 43 1 27
The proportion of the budget spent on
e-books relative to print monographs
70 64 — 6
Educational/promotional efforts for users 70 49 — 21
Number of library mobile e-book readers 62 31 — 31
Comments N=8
As of yet we have no e-books that use readers and we do not anticipate such acquisitions in the near future.
I have no idea about the use/future use of mobile e-book readers.
I say I expect the mobile e-book readers to increase — it would be hard not to since we only have one. But what the
platform will be is not at all clear. The experience with the Kindle does not lead me to believe that will be an effective
platform for library purposes, it is clearly designed for individual users.
We did a survey in 2005, so it is now outdated.
We have not studied users’ satisfaction, but we have conducted several surveys regarding preferences for format.
Interest in acquiring more e-journals is very high interest in e-books is tepid by comparison, though beginning to
Answered No
A task force devoted to e-books may take on user satisfaction surveying over the next fiscal year. Thus far, feedback is
collected on an ad hoc basis or anecdotally by subject selectors and others.
However, respondents to the LibQUAL+ survey ask for more e-books in general and comment on the difficulty of
discovering e-books and navigating to same.
No formal studies, but certainly anecdotal evidence has accumulated.
Our user surveys have focused on whether users prefer paper or electronic, not specifically on whether they are
satisfied with e-books.
We did a survey to see if they would be interested in experimenting in e-books.
Expectations for the Future
28. Please indicate whether you think the trends below will increase, decrease, or stay about the same
at your library in the next three years. N=71
N Increase
Stay about the same
Growth of e-book collections content 71 67 — 4
Educational efforts for librarians/library staff 71 43 1 27
The proportion of the budget spent on
e-books relative to print monographs
70 64 — 6
Educational/promotional efforts for users 70 49 — 21
Number of library mobile e-book readers 62 31 — 31
Comments N=8
As of yet we have no e-books that use readers and we do not anticipate such acquisitions in the near future.
I have no idea about the use/future use of mobile e-book readers.
I say I expect the mobile e-book readers to increase — it would be hard not to since we only have one. But what the
platform will be is not at all clear. The experience with the Kindle does not lead me to believe that will be an effective
platform for library purposes, it is clearly designed for individual users.