72 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2009–2010 Table 40: Number and Average Years of Experience of ARL University Medical Librarians by Position And Sex, FY 2009–2010 Women Men Total Position Years No. Years No. Years No. Head, Medical 29.8 49 29.1 19 29.6 68 Associate Director 25.7 33 25.4 11 25.6 44 Assistant Director 20.3 33 13.0 7 19.0 40 Head, Branch 18.3 26 . 18.3 26 Functional Specialist 14.2 73 11.5 91 12.7 164 Subject Specialist 15.8 65 12.7 10 15.4 75 Dept. Head: Acquisitions 20.4 16 15.3 4 19.4 20 Reference 21.2 17 22.6 7 21.6 24 Cataloging 19.5 10 33.0 1 20.7 11 Serials 16.2 6 14.5 2 15.8 8 Documents/Maps 19.0 1 . 19.0 1 Circulation 20.5 11 8.6 8 15.5 19 Rare Books/Manuscripts 29.0 2 24.2 6 25.4 8 Computer Systems 16.0 5 18.6 9 17.6 14 Other 18.5 50 13.8 16 17.3 66 Public Services 14.8 44 11.3 16 13.8 60 Technical Services 16.7 15 19.3 4 17.3 19 Administrative Services 16.3 12 14.3 4 15.8 16 Reference 15.0 203 14.1 45 14.8 248 Cataloger 12.4 15 26.0 2 14.0 17 All Positions 17.7 686 15.2 262 17.0 948 . No positions reported in this category.
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