Footnotes to the ARL Annual Salary Survey, 2009–2010 · 103 Footnotes to the ARL Annual Salary Survey, 2009–2010 All data is as of 1 July 2009 unless otherwise noted. ALABAMA Libraries included: Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library, Angelo Bruno Business Library, McLure Education Library, Eric & Sarah Rodgers Library for Science & Engineering, and the W.S. Hoole Special Collections Library. The listed Beginning Professional Salary (BPS) for the law library is with MLS & JD. ALBERTA The following libraries are included: Bibliographic Services, HT Coutts Education Library, Humanities & Social Sciences Library, Faculty Saint-Jean Library, Winspear Business Reference Library, Office of Staff Development and Training, Cameron Library (including Interlibrary Loans/Document Delivery, Financial Systems and Analysis, Science & Technology Library, Information Technology Resource Services). ARIZONA The following libraries are included: Main Campus Library, Science-Engineering Library, Fine Arts Library, Special Collections Library, and The Center for Creative Photography. Data for the medical library includes the Health Sciences Library in Phoenix. ARIZONA STATE University Libraries include ASU Tempe campus, ASU West campus, ASU Polytechnic campus, ASU Phoenix Downtown campus, and the Law Library. Beginning Professional Salary for the Law Library is $45,000 (entry level) and $50,000 with JD. AUBURN Includes the Main campus library, Architecture Library, and the Vet Med Library. BOSTON The main library and law library have an 8-step rank structure. BOSTON COLLEGE Includes the Tip O’Neill Jr. Library, Bapst Art Library, John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections, School of Social Work Library, Educational Resource Center, School of Theology and Ministry Library, and the Law Library. BRIGHAM YOUNG The Harold B. Lee Library (main campus library) and the Howard W. Hunter Law Library are included in this survey. BRITISH COLUMBIA The following libraries are included: Art+Architecture+Planning, Asian Library, David Lam Library, Education Library, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Koerner Library, Law Library, Library Processing Centre (Technical Services, IST), Life Science Libraries: Biomedical Branch Library, Hamber Library, St. Paul’s Hospital Library, Woodward Biomedical Library, Music Library, Okanagan Library, Rare Books & Special Collections, Robson Square, Science and Engineering, University Archives, and the Xwi7xwa Library (First Nations House of Learning). Reading Rooms and Affiliated Libraries are not included. The University of British Columbia Library system has no rank structure. BROWN Includes the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, John Hay Library, Orwig Music Library, List Art Library, Sciences Library, and the John Carter Brown Library.