ARL Member Libraries as of January 1, 2010 · 115 Institution Category Full Name of Institution Location Georgia S University of Georgia Athens, Georgia Georgia Tech S Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia Guelph C University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario Harvard P Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts Hawaii S University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii Houston S University of Houston Houston, Texas Howard P Howard University Washington, DC Illinois, Chicago S University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois Illinois, Urbana S University of Illinois at Urbana Urbana, Illinois Indiana S Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Iowa S University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa Iowa State S Iowa State University Ames, Iowa Johns Hopkins P Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland Kansas S University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Kent State S Kent State University Kent, Ohio Kentucky S University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Laval C Laval University Quebec, Quebec Louisiana State S Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana Louisville S University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky McGill C McGill University Montreal, Quebec McMaster C McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Manitoba C University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Maryland S University of Maryland College Park, Maryland Massachusetts S University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts MIT P Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Miami P University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida Michigan S University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Michigan State S Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan Minnesota S University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Missouri S University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri Montreal C University of Montreal Montreal, Quebec Nebraska S University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska New Mexico S University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico New York P New York University New York, New York North Carolina S University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina North Carolina State S North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina Northwestern P Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois Notre Dame P University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana Ohio S Ohio University Athens, Ohio Ohio State S Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Oklahoma S University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma Oklahoma State S Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma