ARL University Medical Libraries · 67 Table 35: Filled Positions Average, Median, Beginning Professional Salaries and Average Years of Professional Experience in ARL University Medical Libraries, FY 2009–2010 Institution Filled Positions Average Salary Median Salary Beginning Salary Average Yrs. Exp. Missouri 9 52,566 50,017 40,000 20.8 Montreal 10 61,382 59,349 45,332 15.1 Nebraska 15 62,725 57,200 45,000 18.9 New Mexico 16 64,016 61,309 39,372 19.4 New York University 31 $65,581 $59,518 $50,000 12.0 North Carolina 32 67,842 64,002 45,000 19.2 Northwestern 17 61,237 61,427 41,000 15.9 Ohio State 8 62,531 62,262 50,000 17.6 Oklahoma 9 59,514 60,019 35,000 18.4 Oklahoma State 4 38,000 22.0 Pennsylvania 10 63,867 60,221 43,500 20.6 Pennsylvania State 6 63,734 61,680 42,436 17.2 Pittsburgh 25 58,890 56,522 40,000 15.1 Queen`s 9 71,491 68,905 44,227 15.9 Rochester 25 55,936 51,703 38,168 20.0 Saskatchewan 7 62,431 59,982 45,197 9.3 South Carolina 8 50,976 47,470 34,000 14.6 Southern California 15 69,020 64,516 48,500 16.7 Southern Illinois 6 62,521 66,592 41,000 24.5 SUNY Buffalo 13 66,442 63,552 45,000 22.0 SUNY Stony Brook 19 66,198 66,191 45,000 14.7 Temple 10 55,900 56,000 42,800 20.0 Tennessee, Knoxville 4 40,000 13.0 Tennessee, Memphis 13 54,873 51,091 45,000 22.0 Texas Tech 22 49,585 45,389 37,000 21.0 Toronto 12 80,426 90,617 44,484 17.7 Tulane 6 53,240 48,000 40,000 19.3 Utah 12 63,047 59,271 38,000 20.5 Vanderbilt 26 58,088 60,765 40,500 12.7 Virginia 13 65,396 66,000 45,000 21.9 Washington 23 63,297 59,148 42,600 20.3 Washington U.-St. Louis 22 61,797 53,847 40,000 20.7 Wayne State 4 45,000 18.3 Wisconsin 16 58,988 56,669 40,526 12.8 Yale 21 75,715 73,985 50,500 17.0 Directors are included in figures for filled positions and average years of experience, but not in either the average or median salary statistics. Canadian salaries are expressed in US dollars. Salary data are not published when fewer than four individuals are involved.
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