Footnotes to the ARL Annual Salary Survey, 2009–2010 · 105 The UCSB library has 8 levels in its rank structure. CASE WESTERN RESERVE Kelvin Smith Library, Kulas Music Library, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences Library, and the Harris Library are included. CHICAGO All libraries, including law and medicine, are incorporated in this report. CINCINNATI Includes all main campus libraries. Branch campus libraries are not included. CANADA INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION All branch libraries are included. All values were reported in Canadian Dollars. COLORADO The following libraries are included: Norlin Library, Music Library, Earth Sciences Library, Business Library, Math/Physics Library, Engineering Library, and the Law Library. CONNECTICUT The Main, Law, Pharmacy, and Music & Dramatic Arts libraries are included in this report. The Beginning Professional Salary (BPS) for the Law Library has decreased because of the severe economic downturn. CORNELL Africana, Engineering, Entomology, Fine Arts, Geneva Experiment Station, Hotel Administration, Management, Mann Library, Math, Music, ILR, Olin/Kroch/Uris, Physical Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Law, and Health Science libraries are included in this survey. DARTMOUTH Libraries included in this report: Baker-Berry Library, Feldberg Business & Engineering Library, Kresge Physical Sciences Library, Paddock Music Library, Rauner Special Collections Library, Sherman Art Library Storage Library, Dana Biomedical Library, and the Matthews- Fuller Health Sciences Library. DELAWARE Excludes the salary data of University of Delaware libraries not reporting directly to the Director of Libraries. DUKE The following libraries are included: Perkins/Bostock Lilly, Music Library Services Center Divinity Rare Book, Manuscript and Special Collections, University Archives, Law, and Health libraries. The University did not authorize a merit pool for Fiscal Year 2010 (1 July 2009 – 30 June 2010). In lieu of annual merit increases in 2010, employees who have achieved a successful or exceptional rating on the 2008–2009 performance evaluation and who earn $50,000 per year or less will receive a one-time $1,000 payment (calculations based on a 1.0 FTE). There will be no merit increase or one time payment for University employees making more than $50,000 per year. Librarians earning less than the $45K minimum will be adjusted appropriately. EMORY The General Libraries, Theology Library, and Oxford College Library (Emory’s two-year college) are included in this survey. FLORIDA Main libraries included Humanities and Social Sciences Library Science Library Journalism Library Music Library Architecture and Fine Arts Library Education Library Education Library Latin America Collection and the Maps Library. Medical libraries data includes the main Health Science Center Library a satellite branch in another city and the Veterinary Medicine Reading Room.