35 SPEC Kit 354: Data Curation
Our institutional repository provides handles for uploaded items. We have a separate service for
researchers interested in minting Datacite DOIs for research purposes.
Previous version of Dataverse created Handles, but the current version generates DataCite DOIs.
Purdue is a founding member of DataCite, and we use and provide DOI service through the EZID
platform to other American institutions, professional societies, and other organizations on a cost-
recovery basis.
Some of the data was deposited in the IR before we built the data repository. Also, we have a local
handle server.
Via EZID service
We are in the process of transitioning to DOIs (currently anticipated to be provided through EZID)
with our change over to Digital Commons as our IR moving forward.
We create DataCite DOIs using EZID via Purdue. We also give datasets a unique PURL on our
own servers.
We do not have a data repository.
We hope to offer DataCite DOIs soon.
We offer as a service to help mint DOIs but do not necessary host the data. Many research groups have
local repositories or methods of presenting the digital asset. There is a MOU as to the importance of
working with the library and the maintenance of DOIs minted.
23. Does your data curation service provide preservation services for data? N=50
Yes 34 68%
No 16 32%
Comments N=16
Answered Yes N=9
A very generalized level of preservation with a commitment to stewarding the content as deposited.
Also, instruction around digital preservation issues.
Basic IR (DSpace) includes bit-level preservation and fixity. Items selected for RSTAR include full
preservation and assurance of forward migration.
Bit-level preservation and file format transformation and or migration for some files.
I’m not entirely sure what you mean by preservation services. Our approach to date has been focused
on preservation in the sense that the data are preservation ready according to our local preservation
policy. We have not yet conduced a preservation action (e.g., format migration). It’s arguable that in
the “precision vs. recall” sense, we have emphasized too much the preservation readiness at the cost of
hosting more data (which are less preservation ready).
Ongoing work to standardize across local repository services.
Only as much as provided by the repository platform.
The university digital library does provide preservation. Dataverse is under discussion.
Via the IR
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