Nonuniversity Library Questionnaire · 99 INSTNO ________ ARL Annual Salary Survey 2007–2008 Nonuniversity Library Questionnaire Part I: Summary Data Reporting Institution_ _______________________________________________ Date Returned to ARL______________ Report Prepared by (name)_ ___________________________________________________________________________ Title_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email address_ ____________________________________________________ Phone number_ ___________________ Contact person (if different)_ __________________________________________________________________________ Title_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email address_ ____________________________________________________ Phone number_ ___________________ 1. Complete the table on the back of this sheet by indicating the number of filled or temporarily vacant professional positions in each salary range for fiscal years 2006–2007 and 2007–2008. 2. Median professional salary for fiscal year 2007–2008: __________________________________ 3. Beginning professional salary for 2007–2008: __________________________________ 4. Footnotes (please compare with footnotes from surveys of previous years) a. Law Library salaries are included. _____ Yes _____ No ______ We do not have a Law Library. b. Medical Library salaries are included. _____ Yes _____ No ______ We do not have a Medical Library. c. Branch libraries not included (please attach an additional sheet if necessary): _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Other comments (please attach an additional sheet if necessary):