ARL University Libraries · 29 TABLE 7: FILLED POSITIONS AVERAGE, MEDIAN, BEGINNING PROFESSIONAL SALARIES AND AVERAGE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ARL UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, FY 2007–2008* Filled Pos. Average Salaries Median Salaries Beginning Salaries Average Yrs. Exp. Institution FY 2008 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2008 MIT 87 $67,285 $69,719 $64,100 $65,650 $45,000 $48,000 16.0 Miami ‡ 39 63,695 65,171 56,863 60,000 41,700 45,000 16.6 Michigan ‡ 111 64,295 66,608 59,920 63,413 40,000 41,000 18.7 Michigan State 68 62,101 61,743 59,700 57,000 47,000 47,000 16.1 Minnesota 104 64,164 66,067 61,033 63,532 38,000 40,000 18.6 Missouri ‡ 35 52,090 57,607 49,134 50,442 34,000 38,500 20.9 Montreal † ‡ 84 56,909 60,262 54,360 58,216 34,504 36,144 14.9 Nebraska ‡ 47 58,792 61,376 52,928 54,624 40,500 45,000 19.1 New Mexico ‡ 32 70,749 76,612 71,319 74,768 40,000 40,000 20.7 New York University ‡ 54 72,220 77,595 63,700 68,882 49,500 51,000 18.1 North Carolina ‡ 92 63,189 67,938 60,000 62,825 42,000 42,000 19.8 North Carolina State ‡ 84 66,529 68,461 59,500 61,717 46,000 47,000 10.8 Northwestern ‡ 76 62,941 65,234 60,144 61,203 37,000 39,000 17.2 Notre Dame ‡ 54 64,821 66,827 63,766 65,769 37,250 40,000 18.7 Ohio University ‡ 50 48,815 48,853 44,263 45,010 35,000 36,000 11.2 Ohio State ‡ 123 57,544 56,745 54,834 52,941 40,500 41,500 14.5 Oklahoma 41 49,386 53,241 46,162 50,823 40,000 40,000 13.8 Oklahoma State ‡ 60 53,406 54,593 49,536 49,824 36,000 36,000 16.6 Oregon ‡ 48 51,535 54,999 48,424 51,176 35,000 35,000 14.9 Pennsylvania ‡ 93 62,553 63,029 59,665 58,526 42,000 42,500 15.4 Pennsylvania State ‡ 136 64,546 66,725 61,308 62,730 40,000 41,200 18.8 Pittsburgh ‡ 61 61,695 64,047 56,345 58,451 34,000 34,000 16.9 Princeton ‡ 120 70,082 74,179 64,600 70,000 40,000 45,000 20.2 Purdue ‡ 67 61,429 65,312 54,330 57,815 43,000 43,500 17.5 Queen`s † ‡ 34 67,488 72,268 68,700 74,078 38,452 40,695 18.7 Rice 58 58,302 61,662 51,600 54,900 36,099 39,060 15.7 Rochester ‡ 70 53,255 55,411 49,733 51,282 36,700 36,700 15.5 Rutgers ‡ 91 77,298 82,023 80,048 84,829 44,525 46,781 20.1 Saskatchewan † 39 64,936 74,526 64,350 74,456 35,951 41,598 17.0 South Carolina ‡ 54 51,060 51,457 47,388 47,983 34,000 34,000 16.2 Southern California ‡ 89 68,457 70,463 62,900 64,335 45,000 45,000 17.9 Southern Illinois ‡ 38 53,791 54,562 47,311 49,375 39,500 41,000 14.2 SUNY Albany ‡ 55 58,663 60,304 56,376 56,625 38,500 38,000 19.3 SUNY Buffalo ‡ 76 58,519 64,414 53,790 60,852 45,000 45,000 18.6 SUNY Stony Brook ‡ 28 68,185 70,027 65,764 67,828 42,000 43,000 22.0 Syracuse ‡ 45 62,119 65,131 55,757 58,263 U/A 20.5 Temple ‡ 38 63,282 65,552 58,670 56,572 38,000 39,000 18.3 Tennessee 42 63,432 68,333 62,319 65,394 40,000 42,000 17.3 Texas ‡ 120 62,185 63,467 56,619 57,809 44,000 45,000 17.4 Texas A&M 98 56,327 60,024 50,502 54,857 42,000 44,000 14.7 Texas Tech ‡ 48 51,858 59,987 47,410 53,079 38,000 45,000 12.3 Toronto † ‡ 135 74,374 76,710 77,290 78,443 41,878 43,010 17.2 Tulane 28 59,287 59,023 58,294 55,664 37,000 37,000 18.1 Utah 56 56,452 59,993 51,633 54,614 40,000 42,000 19.3 Vanderbilt ‡ 61 56,839 57,775 51,264 52,479 38,000 39,000 17.3 Virginia ‡ 65 64,777 67,602 61,800 60,000 41,800 43,000 16.9 Virginia Tech 33 59,256 62,691 56,150 59,672 37,000 38,500 17.9 Washington ‡ 118 60,054 63,655 55,656 58,020 40,000 41,000 18.9 Washington State ‡ 45 58,761 58,249 55,343 54,475 37,500 38,000 16.9 Washington U.-St. Louis ‡ 59 57,999 58,142 51,648 51,727 37,000 37,000 16.8 Waterloo † ‡ 33 65,337 68,405 67,035 70,072 39,328 41,683 18.9 Wayne State ‡ 100 52,524 53,075 46,387 47,315 40,000 40,500 16.6 Western Ontario † ‡ 62 54,221 58,941 49,869 54,246 40,958 46,000 14.6 Wisconsin ‡ 149 60,691 59,685 58,640 57,766 39,338 39,338 16.7 Yale † ‡ 216 74,753 77,131 68,987 72,263 48,100 49,500 17.8 York † ‡ 55 73,646 81,659 69,450 76,495 36,310 43,275 16.5 * Directors are included in figures for average years of experience and filled positions, but not in either the average or median salary statistics. Excludes medical and law libraries. See Tables 35 and 42 for statistics related to medical and law library salaries. † Canadian salaries expressed in U.S. dollars. ‡ See Footnotes.