88 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2007–2008 As” under the File menu. When saving the file, please change the “xxxx” in its name to your institution’s name, e.g., “sal07ALABAMA.xls.” The file contains columns labeled as follows: Required: Name/ID# LibID Page Line Salary Job Sex OEOcat Yrsexp Rank Percent Optional: Hisp NatAm Asian Black HawPI White In the LibID column, enter your ARL Library Institution Code. (See http://www.arl.org/stats/ annualsurveys/surveycoord/instno_inam.shtml if you do not know your code.) If you leave this column blank we will fill it in for you when we receive the data. Columns labeled “Page,” “Line,” and “Percent” are already filled for you. The numbers in the “Page” and “Line” columns will be used to identify these positions in case of data errors do not change them. Ten “pages” of 25 lines each have been provided if this is not sufficient to list all positions at your institution, copy and paste lines 1-25 of the last page as needed. Entering Data for Part II: Individual Data 1. The “Name/ID#” column is for your internal use, to enter and verify information for staff members by name. ARL does not require that you submit the information in this field to ARL. Please delete this column before sending the file to ARL. Upon receiving this file, ARL will delete any data in this column if you have not deleted them already. 2. The “LibID” will hold your institution’s ARL number, for identification purposes. If you do not know your ARL number, you can find it on the Web under ARL Library Institution Codes. If you leave this column blank, it will be filled in by ARL staff. 3. “Salary” should be entered as it existed on July 1, 2007. Please do not hold up the reporting process for later salary adjustments. Include all filled positions and exclude all vacant positions. Report the actual salary paid. Do not adjust part-time salaries to their full-time equivalents ARL will do this during the data analysis and verification stage. Do not include fringe benefits. 4. Each position can have only one “Job” code, to be taken from the following list: DIRLIB Director of Libraries (includes Dean of Libraries and equivalent titles) ASCDIR Associate Director ASTDIR Assistant Director HDMED Head, Medical Library (Human Medicine only) HDLAW Head, Law Library HDBR Head, Other Branch Library (including Veterinary Medicine) FSPEC Functional Specialist ARCH Archivists/Curators BUSI Budget/Fiscal/Business Manager/Facilities HUMRES Human Resources/Training/Staff Development ITS Information Technology Systems ITW Information Technology Web Development