12 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2007–2008 FIGURE 3a DISTRIBUTION OF JOB SUB-CODES FOR FUNCTIONAL SPECIALIST Position Main Law Medical All No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent Archivist 333 17.0% 32 23.9% 23 41.8% 388 18.0% Business Manager 409 20.8% 16 11.9% 6 10.9% 431 20.0% Human Resources 129 6.6% 13 9.7% 2 3.6% 144 6.7% IT – Programming 94 4.8% 1 0.7% 0 0.0% 95 4.4% IT – Systems 406 20.7% 39 29.1% 14 25.5% 459 21.3% IT – Web Development 129 6.6% 15 11.2% 3 5.5% 147 6.8% Media/Multimedia 246 12.5% 11 8.2% 2 3.6% 259 12.0% Preservation/Conservation 99 5.0% 4 3.0% 2 3.6% 105 4.9% Other Functional Specialists 118 6.0% 3 2.2% 3 5.5% 124 5.8% Total 1,963 134 55 2,152 Figure 3b, below, displays the average salaries of the subcategories by position and sex in main libraries, in the same fashion as Table 17. The salaries in each of the sub-categories deviate widely about the combined Functional Specialist average salary of $60,748. Programming specialists have the highest average of all subcategories, with an average salary of $69,804 specialists in Preservation/Conservation have the lowest average salary of $51,024. FIGURE 3b DISTRIBUTION OF JOB SUB-CODES FOR FUNCTIONAL SPECIALIST Position Women Men Total Salary No. Salary No. Salary No. Archivist $56,938 225 59,334 108 57,715 333 Business Manager 56,733 260 60,019 149 57,930 409 Human Resources 65,462 78 68,418 51 66,630 129 IT – Programming 68,929 84 77,154 10 69,804 94 IT – Systems 63,941 158 61,503 248 62,452 406 IT – Web Development 57,542 61 60,647 68 59,179 129 Media/Multimedia 63,411 64 65,882 182 65,239 246 Preservation/Conservation 52,690 38 49,987 61 51,024 99 Other Functional Specialists 59,029 80 62,287 38 60,078 118 All Functional Specialists (See Table 17) $59,975 1,048 $61,634 915 $60,748 1,963 In regards to the gender gap in ARL libraries explained in the previous section, it is worth noting that the average salaries of men are higher than those of women in seven out of the nine categories in Figure 3b.