18 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2007–2008 TABLE 1: DISTRIBUTION BY SALARY LEVEL* Figures in columns headed by fiscal year show the number of filled professional positions. Columns headed by cum. % show the percentage of all filled positions with salaries equal to or more than the beginning of each salary range. University Librarians Nonuniversity Librarians FY cum. FY cum. FY cum. FY Cum. Salary Range 2006–07 % 2007–08 % 2006–07 % 2007–08 % More than 250,000 9 0.1% 12 0.1% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 200,000 – 250,000 28 0.4% 30 0.4% 1 0.1% 1 0.1% 175,000 – 199,999 31 0.7% 41 0.8% 2 0.1% 7 0.2% 150,000 – 174,999 60 1.3% 81 1.6% 106 2.9% 108 3.1% 140,000 – 149,999 41 1.7% 37 2.0% 8 3.1% 148 7.0% 130,000 – 139,999 47 2.2% 57 2.6% 215 8.7% 118 10.1% 120,000 – 129,999 68 2.9% 90 3.5% 107 11.5% 223 16.0% 110,000 – 119,999 143 4.3% 177 5.3% 277 18.7% 199 21.2% 100,000 – 109,999 224 6.6% 246 7.7% 367 28.3% 351 30.4% 95,000 – 99,999 146 8.1% 212 9.8% 179 33.0% 219 36.2% 90,000 – 94,999 251 10.7% 299 12.8% 256 39.6% 142 40.0% 85,000 – 89,999 316 13.9% 374 16.6% 185 44.5% 295 47.7% 80,000 – 84,999 436 18.3% 469 21.3% 307 52.5% 285 55.2% 76,000 – 79,999 429 22.7% 456 25.9% 194 57.5% 146 59.1% 74,000 – 75,999 219 24.9% 229 28.1% 84 59.7% 88 61.4% 72,000 – 73,999 240 27.4% 330 31.5% 134 63.2% 180 66.1% 70,000 – 71,999 289 30.3% 306 34.5% 147 67.1% 119 69.3% 68,000 – 69,999 308 33.4% 312 37.6% 129 70.4% 120 72.4% 66,000 – 67,999 341 36.9% 408 41.7% 127 73.7% 87 74.7% 64,000 – 65,999 398 41.0% 363 45.4% 129 77.1% 95 77.2% 62,000 – 63,999 395 45.0% 436 49.7% 130 80.5% 75 79.2% 60,000 – 61,999 432 49.4% 397 53.7% 69 82.3% 80 81.3% 58,000 – 59,999 421 53.7% 494 58.7% 90 84.7% 138 84.9% 56,000 – 57,999 475 58.5% 472 63.4% 148 88.5% 78 87.0% 54,000 – 55,999 508 63.7% 511 68.5% 101 91.2% 135 90.5% 52,000 – 53,999 515 68.9% 510 73.6% 38 92.1% 104 93.3% 50,000 – 51,999 519 74.2% 500 78.6% 63 93.8% 52 94.7% 48,000 – 49,999 494 79.2% 459 83.2% 37 94.8% 46 95.9% 46,000 – 47,999 508 84.4% 440 87.6% 52 96.1% 98 98.4% 44,000 – 45,999 397 88.4% 384 91.5% 73 98.0% 15 98.8% 42,000 – 43,999 360 92.1% 321 94.7% 31 98.8% 12 99.2% 40,000 – 41,999 292 95.1% 217 96.9% 6 99.0% 8 99.4% 38,000 – 39,999 194 97.0% 132 98.2% 10 99.2% 4 99.5% 36,000 – 37,999 146 98.5% 92 99.1% 10 99.5% 10 99.7% 34,000 – 35,999 73 99.3% 41 99.5% 8 99.7% 1 99.8% 32,000 – 33,999 32 99.6% 24 99.8% 9 99.9% 8 100.0% 30,000 – 31,999 19 99.8% 14 99.9% 1 100.0% 0 100.0% less than 30,000 20 100.0% 10 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% Total Positions 9,824 9,983 3,832 3,797 Median Salary $59,648 $61,833 $80,124 $80,261 * Canadian salaries expressed in U.S. dollars. Includes medical and law libraries.