ARL University Law Libraries · 77 TABLE 42: FILLED POSITIONS AVERAGE, MEDIAN, BEGINNING PROFESSIONAL SALARIES AND AVERAGE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN ARL UNIVERSITY LAW LIBRARIES, FY 2007–2008* Filled Average Median Beginning Average Institution Positions Salary Salary Salary Yrs. Exp. Montreal 4 ‡ ‡ $44,630 11.3 Nebraska 5 $58,323 $57,917 35,000 15.4 New Mexico 6 69,741 75,000 48,000 11.2 New York University 19 75,491 72,546 57,566 20.1 North Carolina 12 68,749 66,010 45,000 13.2 Northwestern 14 59,235 57,684 40,000 16.5 Notre Dame 12 68,424 62,200 40,000 17.9 Ohio State 6 66,768 63,963 41,500 14.5 Oklahoma 7 52,831 47,521 39,000 12.6 Oregon 7 53,094 51,951 40,000 20.7 Pennsylvania 14 67,577 61,815 42,000 16.8 Pennsylvania State 7 70,980 68,760 41,200 22.7 Queen`s 2 ‡ ‡ 40,695 11.0 Rutgers, Camden 9 68,312 72,991 52,000 20.8 Rutgers, Newark 9 69,399 61,279 50,000 16.3 Saskatchewan 3 ‡ ‡ 41,598 20.0 South Carolina 10 64,176 66,950 50,000 11.7 Southern Illinois 5 62,040 55,146 50,000 9.8 SUNY Buffalo 10 69,026 70,228 45,000 23.6 Syracuse 10 56,574 53,310 U/A 14.8 Temple 9 61,754 53,043 40,800 23.4 Tennessee 10 69,284 59,440 40,000 16.4 Texas 13 61,677 54,288 37,000 17.3 Texas Tech 8 61,269 59,474 45,000 13.4 Toronto 5 80,540 84,084 43,010 17.0 Tulane 6 55,909 55,310 37,000 14.8 Utah 7 61,380 65,265 45,000 20.7 Vanderbilt 6 63,567 57,976 39,000 18.3 Virginia 12 62,336 60,000 52,700 14.6 Washington 16 68,048 67,956 50,000 22.3 Washington U.-St. Louis 1 ‡ ‡ 49,000 26.0 Wayne State 9 44,943 43,450 45,000 21.2 Western Ontario 4 ‡ ‡ 40,625 17.8 Wisconsin 12 61,075 57,225 39,338 21.1 Yale 16 81,748 77,557 49,500 19.6 York 5 68,432 68,955 43,275 13.2 * Directors are included in figures for average years of experience and filled positions, but not in either the average or median salary statistic. † Canadian salaries expressed in U.S. dollars. ‡ Salary data are not published when fewer than four individuals are involved. U/A - Unavailable