Footnotes · 101 Footnotes to the ARL Annual Salary Survey, 2007–2008 Institution Note ALABAMA Includes Angelo Bruno (Business), McClure (Education), Amelia Gayle Gorgas (main), W.S. Hoole (Special Collections), and the Eric and Sarah Rodger (Science and Engineering) libraries. ALBERTA Includes Bibliographic Services, H.T. Coutts Education Library, Humanities and Social Services Library, Faculty Saint-Jean Library, Winspear Business Reference Room, the Office of Staff Development and Training, and Cameron Library (which includes Interlibrary Loans/Document Delivery, Financial Systems and Analysis, Science and Technology Library, and Information Technology Services). Excludes John W. Scott Helath Sciences Library, J.A. Weir Memorial Law Library. ARIZONA Includes Main Library, Science-Engineering Library, Music Library, and the Center for Creative Photography, Arizona Health Sciences Library in Tucson Arizona Health Sciences Library in Phoenix (branch). ARIZONA STATE Includes the Tempe (Main) campus, the ASU West campus, and the ASU Polytechnic (East) campus. AUBURN Includes all Auburn University Libraries (including the two branch libraries on the main campus). BOSTON COLLEGE Includes O’Neill Library (main library), Bapst Art Library, Burns Library of Rare Books, School of Social Work Library, and the Educational Resource Center. BRIGHAM YOUNG Excludes BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii, BYU Law Library, the LDS Business College, and the Salt Lake Center. BRITISH COLUMBIA Includes Asian, David Lam (Management), Education, Fine Arts, Koerner, Law, Life Sciences (including Biomedical Branch, Hamber, St. Paul’s Hospital, and Woodward Biomedical), MacMillan, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Mathematics, Music, Robson Square, and UBC Okanagan libraries, as well as the First Nations House of Learning (Xwi7xwa), the Library Processing Center, the Rare Books and Special Collections Division, and the Science and Engineering Division. Excludes Reading Rooms and Affiliated Libraries. BROWN Includes the John Carter Brown Library. CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Includes the General Library: Doe, Moffitt, Bancroft, Anthropology, Art History/Classics, Astronomy-Mathematics-Statistics, Bioscience and Natural Resources, Business & Economics, Chemistry, East Asian (including Center for Chinese Studies), Earth Sciences, Education- Psychology, Engineering, Environmental Design, Music, Optometry, Physics, Public Health (including Health Sciences Information Services, and Occupational & Environmental Health), and Social Welfare libraries and the Northern Regional Library Facility. Excludes Affiliated Libraries: Architectural Slide, Continuing Education of the Bar, Earthquake Engineering, Ethnic Studies, Giannini, Institute of Governmental Studies, Institute of Industrial Relations, Institute of International Studies, Institute of Transportation Studies, and Water Resources Center libraries, Law Library, and various departmental libraries (French, History, Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Slavic Languages and Literature). Beginning 2004-05, UCB salary figures include administrative stipends, where applicable.