ARL University Medical Libraries · 67 TABLE 35: FILLED POSITIONS AVERAGE, MEDIAN, BEGINNING PROFESSIONAL SALARIES AND AVERAGE YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ARL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL LIBRARIES, FY 2007–2008* Filled Average Median Beginning Average Institution Positions Salary Salary Salary Yrs. Exp. Nebraska 12 $61,800 $55,700 $40,000 20.3 New Mexico 20 77,298 68,855 38,600 19.2 New York University 29 64,933 59,232 55,000 12.1 North Carolina 28 66,519 64,506 45,000 21.3 Northwestern 16 55,138 51,607 40,000 14.8 Ohio State 14 57,918 58,634 42,000 15.2 Oklahoma 6 56,425 57,228 35,000 24.0 Oklahoma State 3 ‡ ‡ 38,000 25.3 Pennsylvania 12 61,476 59,911 42,500 15.8 Pennsylvania State 5 57,390 60,012 41,200 15.2 Pittsburgh 26 55,391 53,814 40,000 13.7 Queen`s 9 62,816 60,843 40,695 13.9 Rochester 23 53,978 50,197 36,700 19.0 Saskatchewan 7 53,670 50,746 41,598 6.9 South Carolina 8 47,326 43,466 34,500 10.8 Southern California 14 72,375 73,560 45,600 20.4 Southern Illinois 6 58,937 63,440 41,000 22.5 SUNY Buffalo 15 59,971 58,842 45,000 19.2 SUNY Stony Brook 20 59,782 57,702 45,000 12.6 Temple 10 55,785 55,731 39,000 17.5 Tennessee, Knoxville 4 ‡ ‡ 38,000 16.5 Tennessee, Memphis 10 57,325 55,371 40,000 19.3 Texas A&M 13 55,515 52,836 44,000 15.4 Texas Tech 20 49,088 46,167 35,000 21.3 Toronto § 18 71,938 68,161 43,010 17.8 Tulane 7 42,862 38,268 37,000 15.4 Utah 13 55,692 56,313 35,000 15.6 Vanderbilt 28 55,562 57,150 39,000 10.7 Virginia 14 63,268 63,800 45,000 18.9 Washington 18 61,802 57,600 41,000 22.7 Washington U.-St. Louis 19 62,676 51,825 40,000 24.5 Wayne State 11 48,089 44,863 45,000 24.6 Wisconsin 18 54,215 52,978 39,338 11.1 Yale 19 72,169 70,354 49,500 15.7 *Directors are included in figures for average years of experience and filled positions, but not in either the average or median salary statistics. † Canadian salaries expressed in U.S. dollars. ‡ Salary data are not published when fewer than four individuals are involved. § See Footnotes.