ARL University Libraries · 47 TABLE 22: YEARS OF EXPERIENCE OF ARL UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANS BY POSITION AND TYPE OF INSTITUTION, FY 2007–2008* Canadian (14) Private (31) Public (68) Total (113) Position Years No. Years No. Years No. Years No. Director 28.9 14 32.7 31 32.3 66 32.0 111 Associate Director 23.8 34 25.4 87 24.7 164 24.8 285 Assistant Director 20.3 22 24.4 67 24.6 93 24.0 182 Head, Branch 22.6 59 23.3 135 21.3 310 22.0 504 Functional Specialist 14.6 133 13.2 739 13.1 1091 13.2 1963 Subject Specialist 17.0 81 17.1 381 16.2 612 16.6 1074 Dept. Head: Acquisitions 19.9 12 22.1 30 19.8 63 20.5 105 Reference 18.1 12 21.5 46 20.5 54 20.7 112 Cataloging 26.0 10 23.3 69 22.9 84 23.2 163 Serials 23.7 3 22.5 11 19.5 20 20.8 34 Documents/Maps 24.9 8 18.0 14 19.8 51 20.0 73 Circulation 19.4 14 19.6 30 19.9 50 19.7 94 Rare Books/Manuscripts 27.1 7 19.8 25 24.4 56 23.3 88 Computer Systems 21.9 7 18.8 27 18.3 44 18.8 78 Other 18.7 47 20.6 196 19.7 361 19.9 604 Reference: Over 14 years experience 25.3 112 25.1 165 24.6 358 24.8 635 10 to 14 years experience 11.9 23 11.8 52 11.9 127 11.9 202 5 to 9 years experience 6.8 66 7.0 75 6.9 177 6.9 318 Under 5 years experience 2.5 71 2.1 55 2.4 164 2.4 290 Cataloging: Over 14 years experience 28.2 36 25.7 168 26.4 219 26.3 423 10 to 14 years experience 11.4 5 12.1 31 12.1 49 12.0 85 5 to 9 years experience 7.3 12 7.0 71 6.8 51 6.9 134 Under 5 years experience 3.0 5 2.5 50 2.3 76 2.4 131 Other: Over 14 years experience 24.8 12 24.4 92 25.9 145 25.3 249 10 to 14 years experience 12.3 6 11.8 33 12.0 44 11.9 83 5 to 9 years experience 6.8 11 6.7 51 7.1 88 7.0 150 Under 5 years experience 3.3 6 2.2 53 2.1 81 2.2 140 All Positions 17.1 828 17.0 2,784 16.8 4,698 16.9 8,310 * Excludes medical and law libraries. ( ) Indicates the number of ARL libraries in each category.