SPEC Kit 319: Diversity Plans and Programs · 37
21. Has your library assessed the workplace climate? N=48
Yes 22 46%
No 18 38%
Not yet, but we plan to 8 17%
If yes, which method(s) has the library used? Check all that apply. N=22
Survey developed by the library 12 52%
Survey developed by the parent institution 7 30%
ClimateQUAL™ 6 26%
Other method 10 44%
Please describe the other assessment method(s).
As part of university-wide climate survey in 2008.
ClimateQUAL™ is an outgrowth of a U of MD developed climate assessment.
Gallup Climate Surveys.
Survey developed by an external contractor.
Survey developed by consultations but administered within the library. Assessed general climate, not specifically
Survey developed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
Survey developed by the parent institution, Other ODLC conducted a High Performing Organization Survey (Ken
Blanchard product) at the library in 2007 2008, 2010 university-wide Towers Watson (formerly Towers-Perrin)
International Survey Research (Global Workforce Study). Both have been used to inform the efforts of the Diversity
The university conducts an annual workplace climate assessment, the PULSE survey. The library receives university-wide
and library results.
The University of Florida is preparing full-fledged Diversity Plan which will include a workplace climate survey.
Two climate surveys were administered to the Libraries employees in the spring of 2007. The MROC Climate Survey
was the first survey, created by the Libraries’ Millennium Report Oversight Committee (MROC) but conducted by
the university’s Office of Institutional Research and Evaluation (OIRE) for the MROC. The second survey given was
the Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment (OCDA), a library climate survey developed by the University
of Maryland Libraries to pilot with five academic libraries as a standardized instrument which could measure the
“healthiness” of an organization. The OCDA was developed to collect information concerning employee “perceptions of
how well the libraries were doing in achieving a healthy organization climate along the principles of diversity.”
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