30 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
13. Has your library discovered any particularly successful job advertising venues for increasing the
pool of ethnically/culturally diverse job applicants? N=38
Yes 11 29%
No 27 71%
If yes, please identify the venue(s).
Advertise in all a large number of diverse publications, listservs, etc. such as BCALA, CALA, APALA, Reforma, etc.
ALA minority caucus job sites.
Community newspaper postings.
Diversity-L.(listserve of LLAMA Diversity Officers Discussion Group), ARL initiatives, Spectrum.
Minority Caucuses.
Our current Libraries faculty and staff who are ethically/culturally diverse have been instrumental in our efforts to
increase our pools.
Spectrum e-mail list is very useful for recruiting the residency position.
Student organizations, minority listservs of existing professional organizations (like SAA), IFLA, Canadian library schools,
more urban library schools and alumni lists (Wayne State) although we try to reach most library schools with e-mail jobs
Targeted listservs.
Targeted Publications and Web sites.
The University Office of Diversity posts all open positions on different cultural/ethnic Web sites. The library posts at
different churches, local organizations and clubs that have an ethnic and culturally diverse membership.
Programs to Promote an Inclusive Workplace
14. Has your library developed any presentations, workshops, programs, etc. for staff to promote an
inclusive workplace? N=49
Yes, we have an ongoing program of presentations, workshops, etc. 24 49%
Yes, we have had one-time presentations, workshops, etc. 7 14%
No 10 20%
Not yet, but we plan to 8 16%
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