18 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Diversity Plan
A diversity plan may include a statement of diversity values or goals for the library, a description of strategies for recruiting ethnically/
culturally diverse staff to the library and retaining them once they are hired, an outline of programs that promote ethnic/cultural
sensitivity in the workplace, results from a work climate assessment, and other similar elements. It may be a stand-alone document
or part of a broader document, such as a library strategic plan or an institution-wide diversity document.
1. Does your library have a diversity plan as described above to guide recruitment and retention
efforts? N=49
Yes 36 73%
No 13 27%
If you answered Yes, please answer the following questions.
If you answered No, please skip to the Recruitment Strategies section of the survey.
2. If yes, who instigated the development of the plan? Check all that apply. N=36
Parent institution 24 67%
Library administration 22 61%
Library Human Resources officer/unit 7 19%
Other 7 19%
Please specify other instigator.
Faculty and Staff Affirmative Action Office.
Feedback from staff members led to creation of Library Diversity Council in 2006.
Joint Committee on Affirmative Action.
Millennium Report Oversight Committee.
The university maintains Affirmative Action Compliance Plans.
The university system and the campus have diversity statements.
Working with the Diversity Committee, the HR Librarian developed guidelines for efforts at recruitment and retention for
professional staff.
Diversity Plan
A diversity plan may include a statement of diversity values or goals for the library, a description of strategies for recruiting ethnically/
culturally diverse staff to the library and retaining them once they are hired, an outline of programs that promote ethnic/cultural
sensitivity in the workplace, results from a work climate assessment, and other similar elements. It may be a stand-alone document
or part of a broader document, such as a library strategic plan or an institution-wide diversity document.
1. Does your library have a diversity plan as described above to guide recruitment and retention
efforts? N=49
Yes 36 73%
No 13 27%
If you answered Yes, please answer the following questions.
If you answered No, please skip to the Recruitment Strategies section of the survey.
2. If yes, who instigated the development of the plan? Check all that apply. N=36
Parent institution 24 67%
Library administration 22 61%
Library Human Resources officer/unit 7 19%
Other 7 19%
Please specify other instigator.
Faculty and Staff Affirmative Action Office.
Feedback from staff members led to creation of Library Diversity Council in 2006.
Joint Committee on Affirmative Action.
Millennium Report Oversight Committee.
The university maintains Affirmative Action Compliance Plans.
The university system and the campus have diversity statements.
Working with the Diversity Committee, the HR Librarian developed guidelines for efforts at recruitment and retention for
professional staff.