24 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
University campus-level HR managers, deans/directors, department managers.
University Librarian.
University Diversity Advisory Board.
Various library committees, department heads along with other library administrative staff.
Vice Provost and May Morris Director of Libraries (this is the full title of the library dean position).
Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity, Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, Academic Personnel Librarian, Assistant
Director for Organizational Design and Learning.
Also support and partnership from University Office for Equity and Diversity.
Librarians Association of the University of California -Riverside division has a Committee on Diversity that also
participates in carrying out the objectives of the Plan.
The AA representative is responsible for ensuring that appointments committees have an AA representative and that
the AA plan is followed throughout the hiring process. Ultimately, however, the Office of the University Librarian is
responsible for decanal oversight of the appointment process.
The HR Librarian serves as ex officio as chair for the Diversity Committee.
The HR officer chairs the Diversity Committee.
8. How does the library disseminate the diversity plan? Check all that apply. N=36
Posted on library Web site 19 53%
Included in a parent institution document 18 50%
Discussed/distributed during new employee orientation 9 25%
Included in information for job recruits 8 22%
Included in library staff handbook 3 8%
Other method(s) 15 42%
Please describe the other method(s) used to disseminate the plan.
Annual Memorandum from the Librarian of Congress to all LOC staff.
Disseminated through discussions with the Libraries executive committee and department heads.
Diversity forums are conducted with the dean’s participation.
University campus-level HR managers, deans/directors, department managers.
University Librarian.
University Diversity Advisory Board.
Various library committees, department heads along with other library administrative staff.
Vice Provost and May Morris Director of Libraries (this is the full title of the library dean position).
Vice Provost for Equal Opportunity, Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, Academic Personnel Librarian, Assistant
Director for Organizational Design and Learning.
Also support and partnership from University Office for Equity and Diversity.
Librarians Association of the University of California -Riverside division has a Committee on Diversity that also
participates in carrying out the objectives of the Plan.
The AA representative is responsible for ensuring that appointments committees have an AA representative and that
the AA plan is followed throughout the hiring process. Ultimately, however, the Office of the University Librarian is
responsible for decanal oversight of the appointment process.
The HR Librarian serves as ex officio as chair for the Diversity Committee.
The HR officer chairs the Diversity Committee.
8. How does the library disseminate the diversity plan? Check all that apply. N=36
Posted on library Web site 19 53%
Included in a parent institution document 18 50%
Discussed/distributed during new employee orientation 9 25%
Included in information for job recruits 8 22%
Included in library staff handbook 3 8%
Other method(s) 15 42%
Please describe the other method(s) used to disseminate the plan.
Annual Memorandum from the Librarian of Congress to all LOC staff.
Disseminated through discussions with the Libraries executive committee and department heads.
Diversity forums are conducted with the dean’s participation.