SPEC Kit 319: Diversity Plans and Programs · 21
If the plan is or will be reviewed periodically, please describe the frequency of review and revision.
Reviewed periodically
Annually (12 responses)
5-year cycle (2 responses)
As determined by Board of Governors.
Created in 2006, updated in 2008–09, plan to revisit every 2 years going forward.
Each plan is for a five-year period. A mid-term progress report and a final progress report are prepared for every plan
It has been reviewed once in three years, but the plan is to review it every year at the university level.
Review is within the parent institutions’ processes.
So far it has been updated in March 2009 and August 2009.
The Affirmative Action Compliance plans are reviewed and updated annually.
The Diversity Action Plan is a living document. It has been widely reviewed, revised and will continue to undergo
improvement. The Libraries’ Millennium Report Oversight Committee reviews plan annually.
The Diversity Committee reviews and revises our plan annually.
The plan is reviewed and revised on a yearly basis.
The report is distributed annually from Human Resources and reviewed with the Dean of each school to discuss progress
and efforts related to diversity.
Uncertain, done by university administration.
Not yet, but it will be
Ideally the plan will be updated every 3–4 years.
The current diversity goals were created for a 5-year time period (2007–2012).
We will conduct a local review every other year, with our first year beginning July 2010.
Library Strategic Plan and Library Mission, Vision, Values both refer to Respect.
See: The Path to Prominence through Diversity: University of Delaware Diversity Task Force Final Report. (February
2009) http://www.udel.edu/aboutus/diversity-finalreport.pdf
The goals need to be revised this coming year. There is an aim to integrate these goals with the library’s next 5-year
strategic plan.
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