160 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2013–2014 Geography (www.bib.umontreal.ca/GP), Cartography (http://geographie.umontreal.ca/ressources-services/ bibliotheque-et-cartotheque/), Kinesiology (www.bib.umontreal.ca/SA), Humanities and Social Sciences (www.bib.umontreal.ca/SS), Rare books and Special Collections (www.bib.umontreal.ca/GP), Mathematics and Computer Sciences (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MI), Veterinary (www.bib.umontreal.ca/SA), Music (www.bib. umontreal.ca/MU), Optometry (www.bib.umontreal.ca/SA), Physics (www.bib.umontreal.ca/PY). NEBRASKA Library branches included: Geology Library, Math Library, Engineering Library, CY Thompson Library, Music Library, and Architecture Library. [Main Library] NEW MEXICO Library branches included: Centennial Science &Engineering Library, Fine Arts &Design Library, Parish Memorial Library, and Zimmerman Library. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Library branches included: Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Library, Jack Brause Library, Institute of Fine Arts Library, and Institute for the Study of the Ancient World Library. [Division of Libraries] Library branches included: Dental Library, Bellevue Library, and Hospital for Joint Diseases Library, and Environmental Medicine Library. [Medical and Dental Libraries] Library branches NOT included: Bern Dibner Library at Polytechnic Institute, Abu Dhabi Library, and Shanghai Library. [Division of Libraries] NORTH CAROLINA STATE Library branches included: D.H. Hill Library, J.B. Hunt Library, Design Library, Natural Resources Library, and Veterinary Medicine Library. NORTHWESTERN Library branches included: Includes all collections and locations of the University Library within the administrative responsibility of the Dean of Libraries. [Main Library] Library branches NOT included: Excludes library that is part of NU Qatar .[Main Library] Salary data as of September 1, 2013. [Law Library] NOTRE DAME Library branches included: Theodore M. Hesburgh Library (Main) includes the Medieval Institute Library and Rare Books and Special Collections Library other branches include the Architecture Library, Visual Resources Center, Mahaffey Business Library, Chemistry-Physics Library, Engineering Library, Kellogg Kroc Library, O’Meara Mathematics Library, and Radiation Chemistry Reading Room. Library branches NOT included: University Archives. OHIO UNIVERSITY Library branches included: Ohio University main campus, regional campus libraries (Chillicothe, Lancaster, Eastern, Southern, and Zanesville), and OU Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Learning Resource Center. This is the beginning salary for main campus only.