61 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 301 2020 movement for ecological justice and human rights around the globe.” The KBE, used throughout sectors in Canada and throughout the world, is two to four hours in duration, depending on the size of the group participating in the activity. The ideal group size for the exercise is 30–40 people, although much larger groups have been accommodated. The content of the KBE is described as quite compelling, if not unsettling, and was intended to “introduce Canadians to the major themes and findings of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP). ARC brought together Indigenous Elders and educators with allies who wanted to make sure that RCAP and its recommendations were not shelved and forgotten.”58 The experience has been modified, over time, to reflect contemporary historical analyses, particularly following the activities of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada from 2007 to 2015. The KBE follows a set of protocols to ensure that KBE facilitators are either from Indigenous backgrounds or that the events are led by “Indigenous Leadership” and that Elders and Knowledge Keepers are consulted throughout the execution of the exercise.59 Each KBE concludes with a debrief experience called a “talking circle” where the participants have an opportunity to reflect on their experience, come to terms with and discuss their emotional reactions to the exercise, and explore the content more deeply. In response to the global pandemic, KAIROS Canada has developed an online version of the KBE meant to replicate the in-person experience, due to be rolled out in 2021. The website contains numerous other resources to help develop knowledge about the deep effects of colonization and oppression on Indigenous populations and suggestions for strengthening the relationships with those communities.
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