46 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 301 2020 only 0.1% in the four-year period, while representation of Hispanic tenured faculty grew by only 0.65%. Tenured faculty positions filled by Asian Americans saw the greatest gains, with a 1.2% increase over the period studied. Rather than thinking of ARL’s members as homogenous, it may be better to think of each library as its own micro-culture. In a 2018 autobiographical article for Wired, Joi Ito wrote, “People who are wired differently should be able to think of themselves as the rule, not as an exception.”9 This quote can be rephrased in terms of ARL and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as, “ARL members and their patrons who have different needs should be able to think of themselves as the rule, not as an exception.” This need for diversity to be the rule and not the exception has implications for leadership as ARL moves forward. In 2019 Gallup reported that administrators’ investment in support and resources for managers is key to retention and productivity of all employees, and that management roles and experiences need to be tailored to the individual.10 Wiegert and Maese asserted, “Managers account for an astounding 70% of the variance in their team’s engagement.” From this we can discern that in order for managers to integrate DEI into their hiring, management style, and the work of those they supervise, we must first provide support and resources to leaders of ARL libraries to develop these skills and habits. ARL recognizes the need to develop leaders who model and encourage self-care, setting boundaries, delegation, setting specific achievable goals, and actively working towards dismantling institutionalized structures of inequality while also addressing any loss of trust and trauma from previous or current policies, systems, administrators, coworkers, collaborators, or patrons.11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18
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