37 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 301 2020 successful job. To enter the profession, you need to get a degree from an ALA-accredited institution. How many HBCUs, tribal colleges or universities, or Hispanic-serving institutions have LIS programs? For the folks we are recruiting into the profession, are they entering work environments where their authentic selves are celebrated? We need to work at countering librarian archetypes and stereotypes. What are effective retention strategies? How are we supporting mid-career and advanced career BIPOC library staff? We need to rethink the admissions process for LIS programs. There are so many barriers for example, someone might need to have experience (work, volunteer, etc.) in archives and special collections even before applying to or starting a graduate program with that specialization. We need to eliminate the practice of unpaid internships. We need to reexamine funding for and costs of the MLIS, and the pay structures for graduate student workers, library staff, and early career librarians, based on race, gender, rank, etc. The general public and those in senior positions of power (outside of librarianship) typically do not understand or value the work that library workers do they hold many misconceptions about librarianship that affects budgets, workload, and more. As Kumaran and Witt have referenced leadership, access to leadership positions are viable for a few and those who are already in the profession or have relevant doctoral degrees. Puente: When we talk about recreating a desired, more equitable future, what do you envision that will look like? What do you think it will take to get us there? Kumaran: We’re not at that point yet (in terms of envisioning). We need to have conversations first. We need time to get over the hurt and start to listen and then act. Institutions need to stop saying they are committed to the work and start doing the work. Dialogue is happening. Policies and processes have to be put in place to prevent us from dropping off DEI when it’s no longer a fad.
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