22 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 301 2020 developed has proven to be extraordinarily helpful in moving us forward in unprecedented times. The framing of the library as a physical resource space and as an intellectual one has been a guiding foundation in our communications with undergraduate students. It has helped us articulate the necessity of the library as a research tool, but it has also allowed us to examine the student needs that our library meets through students’ access to physical space, which has grown increasingly relevant with the various restrictions in place due to COVID-19. The methodology of centering students gave us the insight to find ways to make sure we were directly incorporating their voices. To this end, we have begun to develop a process of conducting focus groups and have been working with student leaders to best understand and address their needs as best as we can in a pandemic, all with an eye to the future of hybrid learners. COVID-19 has certainly impacted us all and has made inequalities in our society even more visible. In UEP we are striving to learn from what the pandemic has laid bare, and it has served as a reminder of the continual need to recalibrate when the situation calls for it. Endnotes 1. “Student Success Initiatives,” University of Illinois at Chicago, accessed November 15, 2020, https://studentsuccess.uic.edu/. 2. “Student Data Book Dashboards,” Office of Institutional Research, University of Illinois at Chicago, accessed November 15, 2020, https://oir.uic.edu/data/student-data/data-book-dashboards-2/. 3. “Minority-Serving Institution Status,” Office of the Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago, accessed November 15, 2020, https://chancellor.uic.edu/minority-serving-designations/. 4. “About Us,” Arab American Cultural Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, accessed November 15, 2020, https://arabamcc.uic.edu/ about-us/.
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