34 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 301 2020 Puente: Are there efforts that we might devise and create across institutions, associations, or even across respective countries, that might help us better meet the demands of our profession and our societies in the DEI arena? How might we make those happen? Kumaran: All institutions need to talk to each other about these issues. At this point we don’t. What are we already doing? What do we want to accomplish and how will we do it? Libraries need to reach out to American Library Association (ALA)–accredited institutions in other countries. I don’t think it would hurt for us to reach out to international communities to recruit practitioners. The master of library and information science (MLIS) is still an expectation for professional employment in Canadian libraries, and while we need standards, we also need to look into hiring experienced practitioners from non-ALA-accredited programs. Perhaps they will need to take a few courses or have some sort of accreditation that acknowledges their education and experience from other countries. Enable them to apply for jobs here. Witt: At Michigan, we have been talking about what type of help we as an organization need from the profession. We need help understanding the notion of systems (such as white supremacy). We have leaders who can better recognize how those systems perpetuate inequity. We need to understand how to identify, dismantle, and rebuild systems. It’s inevitable that there will be pushback, internally. We need help from the outside to facilitate those conversations and to help us conduct a “systems” analysis. Hodge: There are efforts occurring and being devised in libraries and librarianship for example, I had the opportunity to present on institutional racism in libraries and librarianship for a different institution. Through our professional connections, we can do cross- institutional work. Some organizations, like the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), through their Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, provide opportunities to collaborate with others. The Association of Southeastern Research
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