88 · SPEC Kit 296
Pennsylvania State University
cart should be taken to the larger tables in the reading room which can
accommodate larger items.
Retrieving Materials from Annex(es)
When patrons request materials that are located at an annex location, tell
the patron that materials are picked up on Tuesday and Thursday
afternoons and will be available the following day. The staff member shall
take the request form and place it in annex pickup bin in hallway outside of
Administrative Assistant’s Office. If the material is needed quickly, use
“Urgent” stamp in the bin.
Circulation Procedures
1. Have user fill out a Patron Registration Form
Retrieve the materials for user
If materials are barcoded, request id, enter Workflows Circ toolbar:
Click on Charge-out wizard (1st on left, looks like a rubber
Slide user’s PSU id through card-reader should fill-in
user’s SSN in the blank and bring up window “CheckOut:
Items to UserLastName, UserFirstName”
Check user’s address information by clicking on 2d button
“Confirm Address Helper” (pencil on card). Make changes
(or if no change needed), click on OK button at bottom.
Window will pop up with either “Record Updated” or “No
Changes” and click on “Return to CheckOut.”
Scan the item barcode with the hand scanner point at
barcode and click button on underside of scanner.
Barcode number should be read into blank.
“NonCirc Item Override” window will pop up. Type in the
override code for your user profile and click “Override and
CheckOut Item” button. Window will disappear and slip will
be printed and ejected.
Tear off slip and staple to Patron Registration Form
Repeat steps 3.4-3.6 for rest of items to be charged.
Click “Close” button when done charging.
Go to steps 4.1- 4.4 and discharge items BEFORE giving
to patron
Give items to user, reminding them they may only be used in the Reading
Room, and requesting that the user return them to the reference desk
when they are done.
Enter workflows Circ toolbar and click on Discharge
Wizard (2d on left, looks like a hand on a book)
“Discharging: Identify Item” window appears, scan the item
barcode, number will fill in which means item is
discharged, and a new “Discharging: Identify Item” window
appears, ready for the next scan.
A “List of Discharges” appears with the title(s) of the items
discharged and their home collection appears. Repeat 5.2
for additional items to discharge, when done discharging,
click on “Close” button, which returns you to the main
Workflows Circ Toolbar screen.
Take the the patron registration form and draw a line
through the charge-out slip(s) to show the items have
been discharged.
Reshelve materials.
Providing Reference for Collections with Restrictions
Literary Rights
For questions about literary rights and necessary permissions for publication, patrons
should consult Special Collections staff on the relevant application of copyright law:
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making
of photocopies and other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions
specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or
reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not
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