8 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2011–2012 Race and Ethnicity There were 1,233 minority professional staff reported in 99 US ARL university libraries, including law and medical libraries.2 Note that the data for minority professionals comes only from the US ARL university libraries following the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) definitions Canadian law prohibits the identification of Canadians by ethnic category. Currently, 14.2% of the professional staff in US ARL university libraries (including law and medical libraries) belong to one of the four non-Caucasian categories for which ARL keeps records. The percentage of minorities in managerial or leadership positions in the largest US academic libraries is far lower: 7.1% are directors (8 out of 112), 6.7% are associate directors (22 out of 326), 8.8% are assistant directors (14 out of 160), and 9.2% (40 out of 433) are the head of a branch library (see Table 27). Figure 1, below, depicts the overall racial/ethnic distribution of professional staff in US ARL university libraries: Caucasian/Other 85.8%, Asian/Pacific Islander 6.8%, Black 4.4%, Hispanic 2.6%, and American Indian/Alaskan Native 0.3%. Figure 1: Ethnicity/Race of Professional Staff in US ARL University Libraries, FY 2011–2012 Caucasian/Other 85.8% American Indian or Native Alaskan 0.3% Asian or Pacific Islander 6.8% Hispanic 2.6% Black 4.4% 2 Some US institutions offer their librarians the option of not reporting race and ethnicity others forbid the tracking of racial and ethnic classification altogether. See Footnotes.
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