108 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2011–2012 Sciences, Education-Psychology, Engineering, Environmental Design, Music, Optometry, Physics, Public Health (including Health Sciences Information Services &Occupational &Environmental Health) &Social Welfare libraries and the Northern Regional Library Facility. Library branches not included: Affiliated Libraries: Architectural Visual Resources/CED Visual Resource Center, Continuing Education of the Bar, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Environmental Design Archives, Ethnic Studies, Gianni Foundation of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Governmental Studies, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, Institute of Transportation Studies, and various departmental libraries: e.g. French, History, Philosophy, Rhetoric, Slavic Languages and Literature. Rank Structure for Main: Six levels. The University of California [system-wide] Librarian Series Salary Scale adjusted effective 10/1/2011. In accord with the ARL Annual Salary Survey 2011-2012 criteria, all salary data reported corresponds to salary data in existence on July 1, 2011. Beginning Professional Salary effective 10/1/2011. CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Library branches included: Peter J. Shields Library (Davis Campus), Physical Sciences &Engineering Library (Davis Campus), Agricultural &Resource Economics Library (Davis Campus). Librarians who are department heads as reported on this report received administrative stipends since July 1, 1999, but these stipends were not included until the report of ARL 2009-2010. We are including these stipends in department head’s salaries and will continue this method of reporting going forward. CALIFORNIA, IRVINE Library branches included: Main Library branches not included: We currently have no professional librarian positions employed at our Medical library therefore, the salaries of those employees are not included in the report. CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES Library branches included: Charles E. Young Research Library, Powell Library, Arts Library, and Clark Library. CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE Library branches included: Rivera Library (serving the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, School of Education, and the School of Business Administration), and Orbach Science Library (serving the College of Natural &Agricultural Sciences, the College of Engineering, and Biomedical Sciences). Library branches not included: Media and Music Libraries (there are no librarian employees in these facilities). CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Library branches included: Social Sciences &Humanities Library, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Arts Library, Special Collections Library, and Science &Engineering Library. Librarians who are department heads have received administrative stipends since July 1, 1999. The monthly stipend amount is determined by the number of FTE’s in the department. CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA Library branches included: Main, Arts. There are eight levels in the University of California, Santa Barbara’s rank structure.
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