Footnotes to the ARL Annual Salary Survey, 2011–2012 · 115 OREGON Library branches included: Knight Library, Science Libraries, Architecture &Allied Arts Library, and Portland Library &Learning Commons. OTTAWA Library branches included: Main Library. Library branches not included: Satellite Management Library. As of April 30, 2011, the Librarian’ Collective Agreement has expired and negotiations are still ongoing. PENNSYLVANIA Library branches included: University Library, Lippinoctt Business Library, Math/Physics/Physical Sciences, Fine Arts, Veterinary, Museum, Center For Advanced Judaic Studies, Rarebook And Manuscript, and Music. Library branches not included: Annenberg Communications. PENNSYLVANIA STATE Library branches included: University Park (main campus), Abington, Altoona, Beaver, Berks, Brandywine, DuBois, Erie, Fayette, Great Valley, Greater Allegheny, Harrisburg, Hazleton, Lehigh Valley, Mont Alto, New Kensington, Shenango, Schuylkill, Wilkes-Barre, Worthington Scranton, and York. PITTSBURGH Library branches included: University Library System and library directors at regional libraries -Titusville, Johnstown, Bradford, Greensburg. PRINCETON Library branches included: Architecture Library, East Asian Library and the Gest Collection, Engineering Library, Firestone Library, Forrestal Annex (Annex A), Furth Plasma Physics Library, Humanities Resource Center (Video Librariy), Lewis Library, Marquand Library of Art and Archaeology, Mendel Music Library, Mudd Manuscript Library, ReCAP (Research Collections and Preservation Consortium), and the Stokes Library (Public and International Affairs and Population Research). PURDUE Library branches included: Includes the library system on the West Lafayette campus, consisting of 11 subject libraries, an undergraduate library and the Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center. Library branches not included: Excludes libraries at the regional campuses: Purdue North Central (Westville), Purdue Calumet (Hammond), Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. QUEEN’S Library branches included: General (Main) libraries includes: Stauffer (Humanities &Social Sciences), Douglas (Engineering/Science), Jordan (Special Collections/Music), and Education. ROCHESTER Library branches included: Includes River Campus Libraries &Sibley Music Library. RUTGERS Editor’s note: Library branches included was incorrectly reported in the 2010-2011 publication. The following lists represent the corrected list of libraries included and not included in the submission for Rutgers for the 2010-2011 and the 2011-2012 Salary Surveys.
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