YearsofExperience Position 0–3 years 4–7 years 8–11 years 12–15 years 16–19 years 20–23 years 24–27 years 28–31 years 32–35 years over 35 years Director ‡ ‡ ..‡ $215,818 $193,765 $217,533 $197,422 $212,140 Associate Director .$96,014 $106,728 $109,501 $114,368 120,720 133,313 122,589 121,824 131,932 Assistant Director $107,733 94,390 90,790 98,989 110,413 110,521 110,819 111,369 115,165 120,595 Head, Branch 74,252 70,179 75,580 79,939 78,392 87,480 92,470 85,763 96,704 104,697 Functional Specialist 53,765 58,052 63,108 68,854 71,588 72,098 76,048 79,582 82,727 85,389 Subject Specialist 52,574 56,252 63,374 66,509 70,284 72,463 76,363 81,763 84,424 82,839 Dept. Head Acquisitions ‡ 63,388 68,391 76,368 72,136 74,040 79,902 82,710 85,573 82,918 Reference ‡ 69,094 73,039 83,418 76,295 84,051 82,572 86,356 99,849 101,748 Cataloging ‡ 59,604 62,992 69,391 75,186 77,255 86,247 86,338 86,719 82,958 Serials ‡ .72,874 ‡ ‡ 72,091 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Documents/Maps 65,523 50,014 60,867 80,348 77,868 73,943 71,324 80,842 ‡ 88,325 Circulation 59,363 55,910 58,843 71,145 90,185 73,618 72,700 86,815 91,280 80,689 Rare books ‡ 73,571 83,049 74,829 75,657 89,013 93,817 75,882 89,681 104,395 Computer systems .95,447 98,561 89,196 97,530 85,046 ‡ 90,853 107,240 ‡ Other 60,874 68,365 72,472 75,525 81,461 85,190 86,587 87,938 93,528 94,488 Public services 50,330 54,961 61,959 60,965 62,696 64,900 63,642 66,304 64,365 69,582 Technical services 48,249 51,577 60,030 60,404 67,917 67,611 68,330 65,225 82,055 74,678 Administration 59,353 59,835 64,761 71,456 67,366 80,483 81,120 87,757 86,012 96,943 Reference 54,778 56,779 63,487 65,184 67,599 71,014 74,990 75,321 76,926 80,946 Cataloger 50,092 56,399 59,625 63,791 63,655 65,045 69,718 73,055 71,851 72,765 All Positions: Average Salary $54,601 $58,445 $65,240 $70,834 $75,403 $78,739 $85,197 $87,300 $94,110 $102,390 Number of Positions 693 1,211 1,158 1,027 831 834 750 606 530 598 ARL University Libraries · 47 Table 20: Average Salaries of ARL University Librarians by Position and Years of Experience, FY 2011–2012 Years of experience reflect total professional experience. Excludes medical and law libraries. Canadian salaries are expressed in US dollars. ‡ Salary data are not published when fewer than four individuals are involved. .No positions reported in this category.