Footnotes · 55
4 The 2006–2007 figures were a manual estimate of the number of e-serial titles. For 2007–2008, we utilized director’s station to pull
the data. For 2007–2008, we were able to more accurately calculate the serial titles figure due to electronic bibloads and a reliable data
retrieval method.
9 During the 2007–2008, our archival collection was physically transferred to the University Libraries Special Collections division.
10 During the 2007–2008 we discarded or donated our entire cartographic collection.
11 We own a sizable collection of historical institutional photographs, which have not been cataloged or counted in any quantifiable
All figures are as of 04/30/2008.
4-4biv Included in main library survey (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
5, 7 Included in main library survey (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
10-11 These are incorporated in the main library report (see 2007–2008 Statistics).
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) 157,679 (15b) 739,014 (15c) 5,048 (15d) 0 (15) 901,741 (16) 11,528 (17a) 119,881 (17b)
299,247 (17c) 47,120 (17) 466,248 (19) 25,391 (20) 1,404,908 (21) 0 (22) 162,866 (23a) 0 (23b) 0 (24) 0 (25) 0.
23a-24 Included in main survey (2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
34-35 Included in main survey (2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
38 This data is current as of October 2007.
39-42 This data comes from November 2007
17c Student assistants increased while recruiting for vacant staff positions.
1bi, 2 2006–2007 included 24,921 e-books: Making of Modern Law Legal Treaties.
15a Includes a $9,000 payment for e-books (World Trials).
15c $32,345 is an installment payment on e-books (Making of Modern Law-MOML) added in 2006–2007.
33 Increase is real—we have no explanation.
All figures are as of 04/30/2008.
27 Number of staffed library service points: 2006/07 should have reflected 2 points of service (data entry error for 2006–2007 survey
showed 27 points of service).
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) 113,268 (15b) 745,116 (15c) 0 (15d) 0 (15) 858,384 (16) 5,507 (17a) 209,991 (17b)
183,656 (17c) 22,426 (17) 416,073 (19) 0 (20) 1,279,964 (21) 0 (22) 0 (23a) 0 (23b) 0 (24) 0 (25) 0.
4ai, 4bii Included in main survey response (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
17 Law Library director salary not included paid by the Law School.
23a Included in main survey response (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
23b This information was unavailable.
24 Included in main survey response (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
25 This information is unavailable.
36-42 Included in main survey response (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
7 Figures reported in previous editions were for calendar years and not fiscal years.
Library branches included: College of Law Library.
4a Before de-duplication: Law Titles Purchased: Electronic 1,342, Print 1,724 for a total 3,066.
4 The 2006–2007 figures were a manual estimate of the number of e-serial titles. For 2007–2008, we utilized director’s station to pull
the data. For 2007–2008, we were able to more accurately calculate the serial titles figure due to electronic bibloads and a reliable data
retrieval method.
9 During the 2007–2008, our archival collection was physically transferred to the University Libraries Special Collections division.
10 During the 2007–2008 we discarded or donated our entire cartographic collection.
11 We own a sizable collection of historical institutional photographs, which have not been cataloged or counted in any quantifiable
All figures are as of 04/30/2008.
4-4biv Included in main library survey (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
5, 7 Included in main library survey (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
10-11 These are incorporated in the main library report (see 2007–2008 Statistics).
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) 157,679 (15b) 739,014 (15c) 5,048 (15d) 0 (15) 901,741 (16) 11,528 (17a) 119,881 (17b)
299,247 (17c) 47,120 (17) 466,248 (19) 25,391 (20) 1,404,908 (21) 0 (22) 162,866 (23a) 0 (23b) 0 (24) 0 (25) 0.
23a-24 Included in main survey (2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
34-35 Included in main survey (2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
38 This data is current as of October 2007.
39-42 This data comes from November 2007
17c Student assistants increased while recruiting for vacant staff positions.
1bi, 2 2006–2007 included 24,921 e-books: Making of Modern Law Legal Treaties.
15a Includes a $9,000 payment for e-books (World Trials).
15c $32,345 is an installment payment on e-books (Making of Modern Law-MOML) added in 2006–2007.
33 Increase is real—we have no explanation.
All figures are as of 04/30/2008.
27 Number of staffed library service points: 2006/07 should have reflected 2 points of service (data entry error for 2006–2007 survey
showed 27 points of service).
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15a) 113,268 (15b) 745,116 (15c) 0 (15d) 0 (15) 858,384 (16) 5,507 (17a) 209,991 (17b)
183,656 (17c) 22,426 (17) 416,073 (19) 0 (20) 1,279,964 (21) 0 (22) 0 (23a) 0 (23b) 0 (24) 0 (25) 0.
4ai, 4bii Included in main survey response (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
17 Law Library director salary not included paid by the Law School.
23a Included in main survey response (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
23b This information was unavailable.
24 Included in main survey response (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
25 This information is unavailable.
36-42 Included in main survey response (see 2007–2008 ARL Statistics).
7 Figures reported in previous editions were for calendar years and not fiscal years.
Library branches included: College of Law Library.
4a Before de-duplication: Law Titles Purchased: Electronic 1,342, Print 1,724 for a total 3,066.