52 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2007–2008
4 Total number of unduplicated current serials titles received, including periodicals, is approximately 15,500.
15a Increase due to acquisitions of special collections.
15c, 21 Increase reflects range of expenditures for some research resources and digitization.
24 Increase in part due to periodic server replacement.
All figures are as of 07/01/2008.
Library branches included: William S. Richardson School of Law Library.
4 The reported serial titles figures for 2006–2007 were erroneous. The numbers reported for 2007–2008 more accurately reflect the Law
School Library's holdings.
15d This number is also reported in (23a) and includes our bibliographic utilities, such as OCLC ($4,372), Ex Libris ($30,254), Cassidy
Cataloging ($3,115), Serials Solutions ($4,000), Classification Web ($325) and Cataloger's Desktop ($575).
19 This number includes library equipment, library supplies, and professional staff development (including membership fees and travel
23a This number is also reported in (15d) and includes our bibliographic utilities, such as OCLC, Ex Libris, Cassidy Cataloging, Serials
Solutions, Classification Web, and Cataloger's Desktop. The directions were confusing as to where these should be reported. The
survey seemed to ask for them twice.
4biv This data is included in 4biii.
1a Volumes held 30 June 2007 revised to 209,826.
4ai All titles in databases are counted if there is a record for them in the OPAC.
1a Volumes held 30 June 2007 revised to 449,617.
18 Fringe benefits are not included with figures for salaries because they are not broken down by professional and support staff. The total
expenditure for fringe benefits is $389,419.
38 In addition to the 63 full-time faculty members, the Law School also has approximately 6 clinical and 21 adjunct faculty members.
1a Volumes held 30 June 2007 revised to 798,317.
2 This figure is an estimate.
4 Figure is lower than 2006–2007. Discrepancy is due because previously, serial subscriptions were reported and now serial titles are
4a-4b These figures are estimates.
6 These are microform units. ARL has no method of calculating volumes from microforms. This figure is derived by adding microform
individual units with microfilm reels.
17 Does not include fringe benefits and does not include Associate Dean's salary.
17c Includes federal government contribution.
20 This figure is lower than ABA figures because fringe benefits were not counted.
Library branches included: Wheat Law Library.
1a Volumes held 30 June 2007 revised to 258,761. Correction to 2006–2007’s figure.
1bii Wide disparity in comparison to 2006–2007 due to the fact that 1 1/4 floors were lost during a remodeling transition.
2 Significant drop in this figure reflects significant budgetary cutback in library budget for 2007–2008.
12 Added several audio tapes for two different classes which were placed on reserve for students.
17a 2007–2008 increase reflects addition of one new position and significant raises for several others.
26a Added one new librarian position in 2007–2008.
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