Footnotes · 51
15a Includes $32,345 for e‑books: 1st of 4 installments for Making of Modern Law Legal Treaties
15b, 15d 2005–2006 included database subscriptions ($100,812) in questions (15d) should have been included in question 15b Serials titles
including periodicals. 2006-07 included $140,899 for database subscriptions in (15b).
17a 2005–2006 figure corrected to $583,550(Total Salaries &Wages remains the same correction is in distribution to Professional and
Support staff).
17b 2005–2006 figure corrected to $475,887(Total Salaries &Wages remains the same correction is in distribution to Professional and
Support staff).
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15) $861,448 (15a) $117,224 (15b) $744,224 (15c) UA/NA (15d) UA/NA
(16) $7,139 (17) $416,073 (17a) $209,991 (17b) $183,656 (17c) $22,426 (19) UA/NA (20) $1,284,660 (21) UA/NA (22) UA/NA (23a)
UA/NA (23b) UA/NA (24) UA/NA (25) UA/NA.
15c Expenditures included in (16).
32 2006–2007 data much higher than the 2005–2006 data due to a revision in reporting process. The 2005–2006 data would read 13,463
instead of 7,964 under new reporting process.
33 2006–2007 data much higher than the 2005–2006 data due to a revision in reporting process. The 2005–2006 data would read 17,142
instead of 11,623 under new reporting process.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 298,149.
4a.i, 4b.i Electronic serials are reported on the Main Library summary for the entire Library System.
15d Westlaw and LexisNexis costs are reported here.
24 Expenses for this category are all included on the Main Library page.
32-33 The numbers reported are more accurate that those in past years due to the implementation of a new online system.
36-42 This question is answered on the main summary with institutional data.
4a Number reflects de-duplication.
4a Law Titles Purchased: Electronic 669 [of original 1,247] (4a.i) Print 1,445 [of original 1,575] (4a.ii) Total 2,114 [of original 2,822] (4a).
4b Law Titles Not Purchased ‑‑ all NA/UA
28 UT Law Library is open 112 hours per week but occurrence of hours is within that of Main.
39-42 Included in Main total.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 206,331.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15) $842,408 (15a) $70,033 (15b) $748,550 (15c) $23,825 (15d) UA/NA
(16) $12,951 (17) $1,180,080 (17a) $712,226 (17b) $400,144 (17c) $67,710 (19) $119,366 (20) $2,154,805 (21) UA/NA (22) $83,717
(23a) UA/NA (23b) UA/NA (24) $77,500 (25) UA/NA.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 308,875.
4 Only aggregate serial data available, 5,977 serials overall.
15c Cannot be disaggregated.
17c Federal funds for work study students have been added to this total for the first time.
18 Fringe benefits are included.
Excludes: Health Sciences, Darden Graduate Business, Alderman, Astronomy, Biology/Psychology, Chemistry, Clemons
Undergraduate, Education, Fiske Kimball Fine Arts, Math, Music, Physics, Brown Science &Engineering, Small Special Collections
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 652,884. Includes 21,812 e-books not included in previous surveys, this is the number of
e-books held as of 6/30/07. We could not determine how many we held as of 6/30/06.
1b.i This number represents print volumes only.
1b.ii Law conducted a massive weeding project during 2006–2007.
2 There were no e-book purchases in 2006–2007.
4 Serials for all libraries are reported on the University Library (main) survey only.
15a Expenditures for print monographs only. No new e-books purchased.
18 Fringe benefits are included.
1-1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 442,784. Includes 31,083 electronic books not previously reported.
15a Includes $32,345 for e‑books: 1st of 4 installments for Making of Modern Law Legal Treaties
15b, 15d 2005–2006 included database subscriptions ($100,812) in questions (15d) should have been included in question 15b Serials titles
including periodicals. 2006-07 included $140,899 for database subscriptions in (15b).
17a 2005–2006 figure corrected to $583,550(Total Salaries &Wages remains the same correction is in distribution to Professional and
Support staff).
17b 2005–2006 figure corrected to $475,887(Total Salaries &Wages remains the same correction is in distribution to Professional and
Support staff).
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15) $861,448 (15a) $117,224 (15b) $744,224 (15c) UA/NA (15d) UA/NA
(16) $7,139 (17) $416,073 (17a) $209,991 (17b) $183,656 (17c) $22,426 (19) UA/NA (20) $1,284,660 (21) UA/NA (22) UA/NA (23a)
UA/NA (23b) UA/NA (24) UA/NA (25) UA/NA.
15c Expenditures included in (16).
32 2006–2007 data much higher than the 2005–2006 data due to a revision in reporting process. The 2005–2006 data would read 13,463
instead of 7,964 under new reporting process.
33 2006–2007 data much higher than the 2005–2006 data due to a revision in reporting process. The 2005–2006 data would read 17,142
instead of 11,623 under new reporting process.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 298,149.
4a.i, 4b.i Electronic serials are reported on the Main Library summary for the entire Library System.
15d Westlaw and LexisNexis costs are reported here.
24 Expenses for this category are all included on the Main Library page.
32-33 The numbers reported are more accurate that those in past years due to the implementation of a new online system.
36-42 This question is answered on the main summary with institutional data.
4a Number reflects de-duplication.
4a Law Titles Purchased: Electronic 669 [of original 1,247] (4a.i) Print 1,445 [of original 1,575] (4a.ii) Total 2,114 [of original 2,822] (4a).
4b Law Titles Not Purchased ‑‑ all NA/UA
28 UT Law Library is open 112 hours per week but occurrence of hours is within that of Main.
39-42 Included in Main total.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 206,331.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15) $842,408 (15a) $70,033 (15b) $748,550 (15c) $23,825 (15d) UA/NA
(16) $12,951 (17) $1,180,080 (17a) $712,226 (17b) $400,144 (17c) $67,710 (19) $119,366 (20) $2,154,805 (21) UA/NA (22) $83,717
(23a) UA/NA (23b) UA/NA (24) $77,500 (25) UA/NA.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 308,875.
4 Only aggregate serial data available, 5,977 serials overall.
15c Cannot be disaggregated.
17c Federal funds for work study students have been added to this total for the first time.
18 Fringe benefits are included.
Excludes: Health Sciences, Darden Graduate Business, Alderman, Astronomy, Biology/Psychology, Chemistry, Clemons
Undergraduate, Education, Fiske Kimball Fine Arts, Math, Music, Physics, Brown Science &Engineering, Small Special Collections
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 652,884. Includes 21,812 e-books not included in previous surveys, this is the number of
e-books held as of 6/30/07. We could not determine how many we held as of 6/30/06.
1b.i This number represents print volumes only.
1b.ii Law conducted a massive weeding project during 2006–2007.
2 There were no e-book purchases in 2006–2007.
4 Serials for all libraries are reported on the University Library (main) survey only.
15a Expenditures for print monographs only. No new e-books purchased.
18 Fringe benefits are included.
1-1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 442,784. Includes 31,083 electronic books not previously reported.