50 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2006–2007
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15) $793,152 (15a) $121,869 (15b) $671,283 (15c) $0 (15d) $0
(16) $8,532 (17) $765,241 (17a) $334,832 (17b) $430,409 (17c) $0 (19) $13,387 (20) $1,580,312 (21) UA/NA (22) $134,282 (23a) UA/
NA (23b) UA/NA (24) UA/NA (25) UA/NA.
4a.i Data for (4ai) and (4aii) unavailable for Law Library.
7,8,9 Figure unavailable.
All figures as of 08/31/2007.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 787,815.
4 The total number of serials decreased dramatically as part of the de‑duping process for the new counting methodology. All electronic
serials will only be reported through the Division of Libraries. The actual number of serial titles available from the Law Library is
4a.i Electronic serials totals for NYU are only being counted in the main Division of Libraries total. The actual number of purchased
electronic serials at the Law Library is 118.
4b.i Electronic serials totals for NYU are only being counted in the main Division of Libraries total. The actual number of free electronic
serials for the Law Library is 3,104.
36-42 PhD degrees, faculty, and enrollment numbers are all included in the Division of Libraries total.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 326,308. Added 231 e‑books not previously counted.
1b Added Making of Modern Law, containing 22,007 electronic books.
26 Library has 12.50 FTE professional staff, 25.5 FTE total.
15d Certain expenditures that were included in miscellaneous expenditures in 2005–2006 have been reclassified to serials and other
expenditures in 2006–2007. In addition, spending was reduced in 2006–2007 as compared to 2005–2006 levels.
4b All Ohio State libraries have cataloged access to 3,285 free electronic serials.
23b Inseparable from total university’s figure of $1,142,832.
Includes the Jaqua Law Library only.
1b.ii Weeding project.
22 One large payment was delayed and is now on a new payment schedule.
25 Unable to separate out law from general library ILL statistics.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 617,298.
Included: Dickinson School of Law Library, and the H. Laddie Montague, Jr. Law Library branches: 104 Beam Building, University
Park, PA 16802, 150 S. College Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.
1b.i E‑books (counted as titles because volume count unavailable) =27,598 titles. E‑book Products Added: The making of Modern Law
LLMC Digital BePress Journals Hein Online BNA All CCH Tax Management U.S. Supreme Court records &Briefs (Gale) U.S.
Congressional Hearings (LexisNexis).
2 We purchased 25,728 monographic e‑books this year, which were funded through our electronic resource purchases (22).
12-13 As part of our ongoing collection relocation, we drastically weeded our audio and video collections. Most of the titles counted last
year were non‑commercial, locally created tapes that have now been removed from the collection.
(36‑37) and (39‑42) as at November 2006, (38) as at October 2006. (4), (23), and (24) statistics included in Main Library Questionnaire.
The numbers cannot be broken out.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15) $698,835 (15a) $293,551 (15b) $401,650 (15c) $3,634 (15d) UA/NA
(16) $14,520 (17) $472,216 (17a) $144,827 (17b) $286,095 (17c) $41,294 (19) $24,905 (20) $1,210,476 (21) UA/NA (22) $280,203 (23a)
UA/NA (23b) UA/NA (24) UA/NA (25) UA/NA.
12 Camden Law reported 10 Audio. Entered as 0 since Main Library can only report total Audio Visual materials.
13 Camden Law reported 76 Film &Video. Entered as 0 since Main Library can only report total Audio Visual materials.
1b.i-2 Includes 24,921 e-books: Making of Modern Law Legal Treaties.
12 Newark Law reported 858 Audio. Entered as 0 since Main Library can only report total Audio Visual materials.
13 Newark Law reported 309 Film &Video. Entered as 0 since Main Library can only report total Audio Visual materials.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15) $793,152 (15a) $121,869 (15b) $671,283 (15c) $0 (15d) $0
(16) $8,532 (17) $765,241 (17a) $334,832 (17b) $430,409 (17c) $0 (19) $13,387 (20) $1,580,312 (21) UA/NA (22) $134,282 (23a) UA/
NA (23b) UA/NA (24) UA/NA (25) UA/NA.
4a.i Data for (4ai) and (4aii) unavailable for Law Library.
7,8,9 Figure unavailable.
All figures as of 08/31/2007.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 787,815.
4 The total number of serials decreased dramatically as part of the de‑duping process for the new counting methodology. All electronic
serials will only be reported through the Division of Libraries. The actual number of serial titles available from the Law Library is
4a.i Electronic serials totals for NYU are only being counted in the main Division of Libraries total. The actual number of purchased
electronic serials at the Law Library is 118.
4b.i Electronic serials totals for NYU are only being counted in the main Division of Libraries total. The actual number of free electronic
serials for the Law Library is 3,104.
36-42 PhD degrees, faculty, and enrollment numbers are all included in the Division of Libraries total.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 326,308. Added 231 e‑books not previously counted.
1b Added Making of Modern Law, containing 22,007 electronic books.
26 Library has 12.50 FTE professional staff, 25.5 FTE total.
15d Certain expenditures that were included in miscellaneous expenditures in 2005–2006 have been reclassified to serials and other
expenditures in 2006–2007. In addition, spending was reduced in 2006–2007 as compared to 2005–2006 levels.
4b All Ohio State libraries have cataloged access to 3,285 free electronic serials.
23b Inseparable from total university’s figure of $1,142,832.
Includes the Jaqua Law Library only.
1b.ii Weeding project.
22 One large payment was delayed and is now on a new payment schedule.
25 Unable to separate out law from general library ILL statistics.
1a Volumes held June 30, 2006 revised to 617,298.
Included: Dickinson School of Law Library, and the H. Laddie Montague, Jr. Law Library branches: 104 Beam Building, University
Park, PA 16802, 150 S. College Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.
1b.i E‑books (counted as titles because volume count unavailable) =27,598 titles. E‑book Products Added: The making of Modern Law
LLMC Digital BePress Journals Hein Online BNA All CCH Tax Management U.S. Supreme Court records &Briefs (Gale) U.S.
Congressional Hearings (LexisNexis).
2 We purchased 25,728 monographic e‑books this year, which were funded through our electronic resource purchases (22).
12-13 As part of our ongoing collection relocation, we drastically weeded our audio and video collections. Most of the titles counted last
year were non‑commercial, locally created tapes that have now been removed from the collection.
(36‑37) and (39‑42) as at November 2006, (38) as at October 2006. (4), (23), and (24) statistics included in Main Library Questionnaire.
The numbers cannot be broken out.
15-25 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (15) $698,835 (15a) $293,551 (15b) $401,650 (15c) $3,634 (15d) UA/NA
(16) $14,520 (17) $472,216 (17a) $144,827 (17b) $286,095 (17c) $41,294 (19) $24,905 (20) $1,210,476 (21) UA/NA (22) $280,203 (23a)
UA/NA (23b) UA/NA (24) UA/NA (25) UA/NA.
12 Camden Law reported 10 Audio. Entered as 0 since Main Library can only report total Audio Visual materials.
13 Camden Law reported 76 Film &Video. Entered as 0 since Main Library can only report total Audio Visual materials.
1b.i-2 Includes 24,921 e-books: Making of Modern Law Legal Treaties.
12 Newark Law reported 858 Audio. Entered as 0 since Main Library can only report total Audio Visual materials.
13 Newark Law reported 309 Film &Video. Entered as 0 since Main Library can only report total Audio Visual materials.