52 · ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2011–2012
TEXAS A&M, cont.
1 Title count based upon data mining of the library’s database instead of using a combination of data
mining and manual count. The result is a more accurate number that can easily be replicated.
4 This category is not applicable to this library.
6 Result of a large, one-time-only monographic expenditure completed at the end of the fiscal year and
renovation of the first floor of the Medical Sciences Library in College Station, TX.
7 Result of a large, one-time-only monographic purchase completed at the end of the fiscal year.
7.a Completed a large, one-time-only, purchase of monographic materials at the end of the fiscal year.
9 Includes cost of first-floor renovation of the Medical Sciences Library in College Station, TX.
10 In 2011–2012 the Libraries’ funding model changed and as a result actual and officially scheduled
expenditures fell out of sync. One of those was fringe benefits paid on behalf of the University
Libraries and in this case, specifically, the Medical Sciences Library. Whereas a smaller amount was
paid in 2011-2012, the official amount of funds dedicated to fringe benefits remains at 23%.
13 Decrease in force result of faculty participating in university-offered early retirement program and
staff job vacancies that were not filled in FY2011–2012.
13.a Reduction in force the result of faculty participating in the university’s early retirement program.
13.b Reduction in force when compared to previous year is the result of job vacancies that were not filled
in fiscal year 2011–2012.
15 Reduction in total number of participants is the result of not offering as many large outreach
programs this fiscal year as in previous year.
16 Figures reflected in FY2011–2012 are what should be expected for subsequent years. Data reported
in previous year (FY2010–2011) the result of previous reference tracking software not being able to
identify separately the MSL virtual reference transactions.
17 Figure reported in FY10/11 did not include all data sources. Variance is actual +10%. Increase is the
result of increase in number of medical science libraries that report to the Texas A&M University
Libraries and data from these sources. (Note: this is not a full year’s worth of data but only that
recorded while under Texas A&M University Libraries’ oversight).
18–20 Data is not available.
21–22 Historically, annual data has been highly variable for this category.
23 Error in reporting of last year’s figures. This year’s figures include the College of Agriculture and Life
Sciences Doctor’s degrees awarded, whereas last year’s did not.
25 Last year’s data included adjunct faculty that is not included in this year’s data (adjunct faculty are
not counted as full-time instructors).
28 Health Science students are on a different calendar than the rest of the university departments. This
year’s figures place health science student count more in line with the other university departments.
All figures are as of 08/31/2012.
Library branches included: Harrington Library, TTUHSC/Amarillo Montes-Gallo Library of the
Health Sciences, TTUHSC/El Paso Library of the Health Sciences, TTTUHSC/Odessa and Preston
Smith HSC Library.
7.c Computer equipment -$20,558, Copyright Clearance Center -$1,708, Dialog -$432, FAX -$1,574, ILL
payments -$261, KOHA -$12,100, OCLC -$9,195, QuickDoc -$1,618, and SCAMEL membership -
TEXAS A&M, cont.
1 Title count based upon data mining of the library’s database instead of using a combination of data
mining and manual count. The result is a more accurate number that can easily be replicated.
4 This category is not applicable to this library.
6 Result of a large, one-time-only monographic expenditure completed at the end of the fiscal year and
renovation of the first floor of the Medical Sciences Library in College Station, TX.
7 Result of a large, one-time-only monographic purchase completed at the end of the fiscal year.
7.a Completed a large, one-time-only, purchase of monographic materials at the end of the fiscal year.
9 Includes cost of first-floor renovation of the Medical Sciences Library in College Station, TX.
10 In 2011–2012 the Libraries’ funding model changed and as a result actual and officially scheduled
expenditures fell out of sync. One of those was fringe benefits paid on behalf of the University
Libraries and in this case, specifically, the Medical Sciences Library. Whereas a smaller amount was
paid in 2011-2012, the official amount of funds dedicated to fringe benefits remains at 23%.
13 Decrease in force result of faculty participating in university-offered early retirement program and
staff job vacancies that were not filled in FY2011–2012.
13.a Reduction in force the result of faculty participating in the university’s early retirement program.
13.b Reduction in force when compared to previous year is the result of job vacancies that were not filled
in fiscal year 2011–2012.
15 Reduction in total number of participants is the result of not offering as many large outreach
programs this fiscal year as in previous year.
16 Figures reflected in FY2011–2012 are what should be expected for subsequent years. Data reported
in previous year (FY2010–2011) the result of previous reference tracking software not being able to
identify separately the MSL virtual reference transactions.
17 Figure reported in FY10/11 did not include all data sources. Variance is actual +10%. Increase is the
result of increase in number of medical science libraries that report to the Texas A&M University
Libraries and data from these sources. (Note: this is not a full year’s worth of data but only that
recorded while under Texas A&M University Libraries’ oversight).
18–20 Data is not available.
21–22 Historically, annual data has been highly variable for this category.
23 Error in reporting of last year’s figures. This year’s figures include the College of Agriculture and Life
Sciences Doctor’s degrees awarded, whereas last year’s did not.
25 Last year’s data included adjunct faculty that is not included in this year’s data (adjunct faculty are
not counted as full-time instructors).
28 Health Science students are on a different calendar than the rest of the university departments. This
year’s figures place health science student count more in line with the other university departments.
All figures are as of 08/31/2012.
Library branches included: Harrington Library, TTUHSC/Amarillo Montes-Gallo Library of the
Health Sciences, TTUHSC/El Paso Library of the Health Sciences, TTTUHSC/Odessa and Preston
Smith HSC Library.
7.c Computer equipment -$20,558, Copyright Clearance Center -$1,708, Dialog -$432, FAX -$1,574, ILL
payments -$261, KOHA -$12,100, OCLC -$9,195, QuickDoc -$1,618, and SCAMEL membership -