Footnotes · 49
23 389 professional doctorates
24 8 professional degrees
28 With 1,853 professional students
1 The print book collection was weeded by 50% to make room for more group study rooms and
additional study carrels.
8–8.c Numbers reported for the last five years have included fringe benefits. This number does not.
10 For professionals and staff this includes FICA, workers compensation, unemployment compensation,
medical insurance, life insurance, retirement plan, Oklahoma Teachers Retirement System employer
and matching fees, and a benefit administration fee.
14 Monthly instruction sessions to students on clinical rotation at the OSU Health Care Clinic were
dropped last fiscal year. This decision was made outside the library. (Additionally, given the low
numbers to begin with, almost any change would appear to be statistically significant.)
16 Increase due to librarians underreporting or undercounting in previous years.
17 Increase due to growth in circulation of Board Review materials, books helpful to students on clinical
rotations, and increase in borrowing of media materials.
20 Unable to report this number.
27, 29 The numbers are so small that almost any change will be statistically significant.
2 Revised total of Biomedical holdings reflects downsizing though major transfers to remote storage.
17 Circulation from 2010–2011 was erroneously reported. Correct value is 8,499.
18–19 Hershey titles only, all others reported through University Park Libraries.
20 Reported through University Park Libraries.
28 Full-time graduate students from 2010–2011 was erroneously reported. Correct value is 779.
All figures are as of 04/30/2012.
4 These statistics cannot be extracted from the main library totals at this time.
6 This does not include all library expenditures. Some of the data is included with the Main Library
and cannot be extracted at this time.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $70,682 (7b)
$1,669,136 (7c) $7,343 (7) $1,747,161 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $614,145 (8b) $347,430 (8c) $37,589 (8)
$999,164 (10) $242,516 Overall Expenditures: (7) $1,747,161 (8) $999,164 (9) $5,317 (6) $2,751,642 (12)
NA/UA. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
9 This does not include all operating expenditures, as some are included with the Main Library cannot
be extracted.
18–20 These statistics cannot be extracted from the main library totals at this time.
1 Data capture by Rush Rhees (main) Library.
2 Data reported are restricted to print-only materials. Rush Rhees is reporting e-materials for all UR
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