Footnotes · 41
Footnotes may also include errata and corrections to data from prior years not previously reported. Numbers refer
to columns in Library Data Tables and to Questionnaire numbers. Unless otherwise stated all figures are as of
All figures are as of 09/30/2012.
Library branches included: Arizona Health Sciences Library -Phoenix.
10–11 Library faculty -29.8%, classified staff -43.7%, student employees -3.1%, and graduate assistantships -
18–20 AHSL stats are included in the numbers reported by the main library.
20 Included in main library counts.
23 Includes DVM and MD degrees.
4 All libraries have access to the same e-books as reported in the general survey.
6 The Biomedical Library expenditures have decreased between 2010–11 and 2011–12 for the following
reasons: Employee benefit expense was included in the 2010–11 total expenditures but not in the
2011–12 total expenditures. There was a change in how the UC system recharges for electronic library
materials (chiefly serials) were processed so now most Biomedical Library serials expenditures are
recorded in a central UCLA Library account instead of the Biomedical Library. The size of the PSRML
federal contract has been reduced and so expenditures on federal contracts are down, also reducing
the number of librarians. The state funded portion of the Biomedical Library History Division staff
is now reflected in the Special Collections department, which is not part of the Biomedical Library
7 Reduction in library materials expenditures is due chiefly to the change in how the recharging of UC
wide electronic serials was handled in 2011–12 versus 2010–11, as well as being reduced due to the
retirement of the lead selecting librarian.
8 Reduction is due to a combination of employee benefit expense not being included in the 2011–12
expenditures but being included in the 2010–11 expenditures, as well as to a reduction in FTE.
Questions 23–29 are reported on the Main Library’s statistics.
2 The medical library also has access to a number of electronic resources that are only counted in the
Main Library’s statistics.
4 Added an additional 850 e-books with ClinicalKey. The medical library also has access to a number of
e-books that are only reported in the Main Library’s statistics.
John Crerar Library is a central science library with a biomedical collection for health sciences. Many
numbers are estimated from percentages of total for library as a result. Data for the ARL survey are
matched as closely as possible to data compiled for AAHSL annual survey statistics.
8–8.b, 13–13.b Unfilled vacancies due to retirement and temporary budget reductions.
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