Footnotes · 51
Library branches included: Health Sciences Libraries Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry.
23 Last year’s figure was overstated.
7.c Binding $10,072.
10–11 Includes FICA, retirement, workers’ compensation, life insurance, unemployment insurance, health
insurance, dental insurance, and vision insurance.
16 New staff is more assiduous in recording stats.
8.c We hired more work study students in 2011–2012 to reduce student employment costs.
9 Reduction in funding.
12 $390,746 reported for 2010–2011 was the price for Science Direct for HSL portion. We don’t have it
from external sources for 2011–2012.
13.b Reduction in staff due to retirements.
15 The number of instructional sessions went up in 2011/2012 (224) compared to the number of sessions
in 2010/2011 (212). The difference is that even though we are now teaching more sessions, the number
of attendees in some groups is fewer in number. One reason is that last year, we did not teach the
nursing research classes to the undergraduates in the lecture halls, which tend to be very large
classes. Instead, the undergraduate nursing students were taught in other nursing class sections that
tend to have smaller enrollments.
16 During the fiscal year 2011/2012 the Health Sciences librarians created and developed 18 LibGuides
for various health sciences specialties and demonstrated their many uses in instructional sessions.
The heavy usage of these LibGuides by various library user groups has substantially reduced the
number of basic reference questions. However, the questions that do remain are more complex and
are taking longer to answer.
18 N/A
21 That is the number that came from ILLIAD. I can surmise that interlibrary loan requests are on the
increase overall as budgets are downsized and libraries seek to fill patron requests through ILL.
22 That is the number that came from ILLIAD.
Library branches included: Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine’s Charles E. Krausz
7.c Total includes ILL -$1,964.77, document delivery -$1,434, dues to AAHSL -$2,400, BioMed Central -
$15,000, and binding -$3,450.
8.a Intern salary from Garfield-Taylor Gift fund included.
All figures are as of 08/31/2012.
Library branches included: Medical Sciences Library at College Station.
Library branches NOT included: Recent additions to the Texas A&M University Libraries statistics are
not included in this year’s data (data is not available). These libraries will be included in next year’s
data: Medical Sciences Library at Bryan, Medical Sciences Library at Round Rock, Medical Sciences
Library at Temple, and the Medical Sciences Library at Kingsville.
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