44 · ARL Academic Health Sciences Library Statistics 2011–2012
10 Fringe benefits include salary Social Security match, salary Medicare match, defined benefit
retirement match, ORP defined contribution match, PEORP defined contribution match, pretax
admin assessment, health insurance employer contribution, and state life insurance contribution.
13 The library has been reorganized this year.
13.b The support staff of the library were reorganized this year.
17 Print collection is not being developed with the exception of the reserve collection the FSU College of
Medicine Library is primarily a digital library.
23 Question changed this year last year MD graduates were not included.
28 The relatively large increase in the number between this year and last is because the program is still
relatively new and growing.
10 This includes FICA, health insurance, worker’s comp, tuition benefits, retirement contributions,
unemployment, disability insurance, group life insurance, and death benefit.
22 Substantial increase from last year, due to institution of free ILL program.
1–2 This decrease reflects extremely large-scale weeding efforts.
Library branches included: Countway Library of Medicine and the Center for Bioinformatics (CBMI).
1 Title count based on total bibliographic records with active holdings in Harvard’s HOLLIS system.
2 Volume counts are an estimate based on item records in Harvard’s HOLLIS system, inflated by 30%
to account for items that are not represented by item records.
4 Electronic book data is organized centrally data is included on Harvard’s MAIN survey.
7.a–7.b Includes digitally reformatted materials
7.c Collections support includes binding, postage, records storage, preservation services, dues and
memberships, etc.
10 Harvard’s fringe assessments cover payroll taxes and employee benefits, including (but not limited
to) health coverage and pension.
13.c FTE figure is not available for student assistants.
14–16 FY2012 data not available.
17 Circulation figures include traditional circulation numbers (excluding reserves) and Scan &Deliver
service transactions.
18–20 Data not available for FY2012.
21 Materials lent through traditional ILL services (e.g., OCLC Resource Sharing, DOCLINE) and Borrow
22 Materials borrowed through traditional ILL services (e.g., OCLC Resource Sharing, DOCLINE) and
Borrow Direct.
The doctor’s degrees, faculty, and enrollment data are included in the Main Library’s report.
18 Usage statistics for electronic resources in the Health Sciences are included in the Main Library’s
10 Fringe benefits include salary Social Security match, salary Medicare match, defined benefit
retirement match, ORP defined contribution match, PEORP defined contribution match, pretax
admin assessment, health insurance employer contribution, and state life insurance contribution.
13 The library has been reorganized this year.
13.b The support staff of the library were reorganized this year.
17 Print collection is not being developed with the exception of the reserve collection the FSU College of
Medicine Library is primarily a digital library.
23 Question changed this year last year MD graduates were not included.
28 The relatively large increase in the number between this year and last is because the program is still
relatively new and growing.
10 This includes FICA, health insurance, worker’s comp, tuition benefits, retirement contributions,
unemployment, disability insurance, group life insurance, and death benefit.
22 Substantial increase from last year, due to institution of free ILL program.
1–2 This decrease reflects extremely large-scale weeding efforts.
Library branches included: Countway Library of Medicine and the Center for Bioinformatics (CBMI).
1 Title count based on total bibliographic records with active holdings in Harvard’s HOLLIS system.
2 Volume counts are an estimate based on item records in Harvard’s HOLLIS system, inflated by 30%
to account for items that are not represented by item records.
4 Electronic book data is organized centrally data is included on Harvard’s MAIN survey.
7.a–7.b Includes digitally reformatted materials
7.c Collections support includes binding, postage, records storage, preservation services, dues and
memberships, etc.
10 Harvard’s fringe assessments cover payroll taxes and employee benefits, including (but not limited
to) health coverage and pension.
13.c FTE figure is not available for student assistants.
14–16 FY2012 data not available.
17 Circulation figures include traditional circulation numbers (excluding reserves) and Scan &Deliver
service transactions.
18–20 Data not available for FY2012.
21 Materials lent through traditional ILL services (e.g., OCLC Resource Sharing, DOCLINE) and Borrow
22 Materials borrowed through traditional ILL services (e.g., OCLC Resource Sharing, DOCLINE) and
Borrow Direct.
The doctor’s degrees, faculty, and enrollment data are included in the Main Library’s report.
18 Usage statistics for electronic resources in the Health Sciences are included in the Main Library’s