Footnotes · 59
10–11 Includes FICA, retirement, workers’ compensation, life insurance, unemployment insurance, health
insurance, dental insurance, and vision insurance.
13, 13.b Decrease is a result of significant budget cuts resulting in inability at this time to replace retired/
separated employees.
14 Due to staffing shortages, fewer group presentations were offered.
15 Again, due to staffing shortages, fewer group presentations were offered. That, in turn, reduced the
number of total participants in group presentations.
2 Now that microforms are no longer counted as physical units by ARL, the Law Library’s 1.5 million
microforms (283,163 volume equivalents, 55% of the Law Library’s physical collection) are not
reflected anywhere in this report.
18–20 COUNTER-compliant statistics not available.
All figures are as of 08/31/2012.
10 Includes workers compensation insurance, health match, TRS matching, ORP matching, opt-out
health matching, lump-sum vacation pool, and retiree insurance pool.
All figures are as of 04/30/2012.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $131,593 (7b)
$957,419 (7c) $8,862 (7) $1,097,874 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $562,077 (8b) $439,270 (8c) $56,519 (8)
$1,057,866 (10) $248,479 Overall Expenditures: (7) $1,097,874 (8) $1,057,866 (9) $61,163 (6) $2,216,903
(12) NA/UA. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
10 Includes health plans and pension plan contributions.
11 22% for professional staff and 27% for support staff.
17 This figure is the total number of initial circulations including reserves. There is not a process to pull
out reserve items.
18–20 Most databases are full campus access and usage is included in the main campus library statistics.
See Marriot Library figures. We currently do not have a mechanism to accurately track our
individual use.
25 Figure includes both full-time law school and library instructional faculty.
6, 8, 8.a Increase due in part to salary of new Associate Dean, Law Library.
7.c Last year’s Miscellaneous Materials expenditures included one-time special purchases.
10 Includes health plan, life insurance, disability insurance, retirement plan, tuition assistance, and
vacation and sick leave.
14 Strategic emphasis on outreach.
21 Number for 2010/11 should also be 0. No change for current year. Law Library will begin filling ILL
requests again in 2012/13.
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