54 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2011–2012
10 Health, dental, disability, life, and pension.
17 This number has been verified. There was a drop in circulation.
18–20 Not available.
21 ILL requests have increased significantly due to student law review activities and new faculty.
25 The college hired additional faculty. This number is accurate.
26, 28 Lower enrollment due to high graduation and strategic choice to admit smaller classes.
27, 29 Increase in part-time reflects growth of LLM program and other changes in student population.
Law Library is an administratively separate library reporting through the Law School. The
University Libraries provides significant infrastructure support for library systems (e.g., ILS,
discovery system).
4 Access is available to all e-books (400,000) in all libraries in the university.
7.c Bindery expenses, interlibrary loan and document delivery borrowing expenses, preservation
activities, and library collection management applications or services (e.g., OCLC).
10 Retirement or pension, group life and disability insurance, workers compensation, unemployment
insurance, Social Security, Medicare, tuition component for grad assistants, and accrued vacation
payout on termination.
11 Reported percentage is for professional staff. Percentage may vary with job class, %FTE, and length
of appointment.
18–20 Electronic resources are integrated no breakdown by branch is available.
1 The lower title count reported this year from previous years reflects a correction to our microform
title count.
10 Fringe benefits include FICA, medical, dental, life, long term disability, retirement, unemployment
compensation, workers’ compensation, educational assistance, educational fee reduction, service
awards, and wellness program.
All figures are as of 04/30/2012.
1 For the past years, we only included book titles. This year, it’s titles for all types of document.
4, 11–12, 18–20 N/A
6–9 At the request of the Quebec government, the fiscal year at the University of Montreal starts on May
1 and ends April 30 since 2011. As a result, exceptionally last year 2010–2011, data from the libraries of
the University of Montreal were spread over 11 months rather than 12.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars — Collections Expenditures: (7a) $155,217 (7b)
$512,965 (7c) $4,546 (7) $672,728 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $465,741 (8b) $298,018 (8c) $0 (8) $763,759
(10) $177,137 Overall Expenditures: (7) $672,728 (8) $763,759 (9) $8,817 (6) $1,445,304 (12) NA/UA.
NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
6 The increase in total expenditures is due mainly to increases in subscription and salary costs.
7 Library materials costs are generally up. Increases in subscription costs etc. account for the increase.
9 Expenditures in this category are just generally down in FY 2011–12.
10 Health, dental, disability, life, and pension.
17 This number has been verified. There was a drop in circulation.
18–20 Not available.
21 ILL requests have increased significantly due to student law review activities and new faculty.
25 The college hired additional faculty. This number is accurate.
26, 28 Lower enrollment due to high graduation and strategic choice to admit smaller classes.
27, 29 Increase in part-time reflects growth of LLM program and other changes in student population.
Law Library is an administratively separate library reporting through the Law School. The
University Libraries provides significant infrastructure support for library systems (e.g., ILS,
discovery system).
4 Access is available to all e-books (400,000) in all libraries in the university.
7.c Bindery expenses, interlibrary loan and document delivery borrowing expenses, preservation
activities, and library collection management applications or services (e.g., OCLC).
10 Retirement or pension, group life and disability insurance, workers compensation, unemployment
insurance, Social Security, Medicare, tuition component for grad assistants, and accrued vacation
payout on termination.
11 Reported percentage is for professional staff. Percentage may vary with job class, %FTE, and length
of appointment.
18–20 Electronic resources are integrated no breakdown by branch is available.
1 The lower title count reported this year from previous years reflects a correction to our microform
title count.
10 Fringe benefits include FICA, medical, dental, life, long term disability, retirement, unemployment
compensation, workers’ compensation, educational assistance, educational fee reduction, service
awards, and wellness program.
All figures are as of 04/30/2012.
1 For the past years, we only included book titles. This year, it’s titles for all types of document.
4, 11–12, 18–20 N/A
6–9 At the request of the Quebec government, the fiscal year at the University of Montreal starts on May
1 and ends April 30 since 2011. As a result, exceptionally last year 2010–2011, data from the libraries of
the University of Montreal were spread over 11 months rather than 12.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars — Collections Expenditures: (7a) $155,217 (7b)
$512,965 (7c) $4,546 (7) $672,728 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $465,741 (8b) $298,018 (8c) $0 (8) $763,759
(10) $177,137 Overall Expenditures: (7) $672,728 (8) $763,759 (9) $8,817 (6) $1,445,304 (12) NA/UA.
NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
6 The increase in total expenditures is due mainly to increases in subscription and salary costs.
7 Library materials costs are generally up. Increases in subscription costs etc. account for the increase.
9 Expenditures in this category are just generally down in FY 2011–12.