50 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2011–2012
19 Included in these statistics are databases subscribed to and paid for directly and fully by the law
library. Databases to which the library has access through campus-wide licenses subscribed to by
the University of Connecticut main libraries or the University of Connecticut Health Center are
not included. Databases include full-text journal databases, primary law databases, and historical
legal document databases. A number of databases subscribed to by the law library are not included
because COUNTER-compliant statistics are not available.
For counts coded as “NA/UA”: Unless otherwise noted, counts for Law are included as part of the
main survey reporting, and are not broken out here.
2 Print volumes only. With 2009/10 forward, this count does not include any e-books. All e-book
counts are included in the main survey Law cannot be broken out. Almost 7,500 volumes were
withdrawn in a weeding project in anticipation of the library’s stack space being reduced by a
Law School renovation. The rest of the apparent decrease is due to a record cleanup project for
withdrawals that took place in earlier years.
7 The requested breakouts cannot be provided.
8.a Includes expenditures for academic and exempt staff.
8.b Includes expenditures for non-academic, non-exempt staff only.
13 Excludes FTE for student staff all student FTE are included in the main survey. Excludes any short-
term temporary staff and any positions that were temporarily vacant on June 30th.
13.a Includes academic and exempt staff.
13.b Includes non-academic, non-exempt staff only.
14 Information transaction and presentations to groups counts include only those transactions staff
recorded in Count It, CUL’s locally built system for tracking public service transactions.
16 The count is extrapolated from 12 random sampling weeks. See also the previous note.
17 Includes ILL lending transactions. For the first time, Ithaca/Geneva was able to subtract all staff
processing transactions.
22 Traditional (vs. Borrow Direct) ILL counts include some of the requests submitted by CUL patrons
for items that are available at CUL.
All figures are as of 7/30/2012.
All figures are as of 08/31/2012.
4 BNA – 47, Cambridge Books Online – 903, CCH IntelliConnect – 56, Thomson Reuters Checkpoint–
41, HeinOnline–24,255, Lexis–1,204, LLMC Digital–1,995, U.S. Documents–32,809, Making of Modern
Law–35,376, Oxford Scholarship Online – 729, and Westlaw–1,935.
7.c Included in other operating expenditures.
18–20 Majority of vendors do not record data or provide it to us in a manner that meets the definitions of
the COUNTER Code of Practice.
2 Volume count increase is due in large part to e-book/electronic resource holdings.
19 Included in these statistics are databases subscribed to and paid for directly and fully by the law
library. Databases to which the library has access through campus-wide licenses subscribed to by
the University of Connecticut main libraries or the University of Connecticut Health Center are
not included. Databases include full-text journal databases, primary law databases, and historical
legal document databases. A number of databases subscribed to by the law library are not included
because COUNTER-compliant statistics are not available.
For counts coded as “NA/UA”: Unless otherwise noted, counts for Law are included as part of the
main survey reporting, and are not broken out here.
2 Print volumes only. With 2009/10 forward, this count does not include any e-books. All e-book
counts are included in the main survey Law cannot be broken out. Almost 7,500 volumes were
withdrawn in a weeding project in anticipation of the library’s stack space being reduced by a
Law School renovation. The rest of the apparent decrease is due to a record cleanup project for
withdrawals that took place in earlier years.
7 The requested breakouts cannot be provided.
8.a Includes expenditures for academic and exempt staff.
8.b Includes expenditures for non-academic, non-exempt staff only.
13 Excludes FTE for student staff all student FTE are included in the main survey. Excludes any short-
term temporary staff and any positions that were temporarily vacant on June 30th.
13.a Includes academic and exempt staff.
13.b Includes non-academic, non-exempt staff only.
14 Information transaction and presentations to groups counts include only those transactions staff
recorded in Count It, CUL’s locally built system for tracking public service transactions.
16 The count is extrapolated from 12 random sampling weeks. See also the previous note.
17 Includes ILL lending transactions. For the first time, Ithaca/Geneva was able to subtract all staff
processing transactions.
22 Traditional (vs. Borrow Direct) ILL counts include some of the requests submitted by CUL patrons
for items that are available at CUL.
All figures are as of 7/30/2012.
All figures are as of 08/31/2012.
4 BNA – 47, Cambridge Books Online – 903, CCH IntelliConnect – 56, Thomson Reuters Checkpoint–
41, HeinOnline–24,255, Lexis–1,204, LLMC Digital–1,995, U.S. Documents–32,809, Making of Modern
Law–35,376, Oxford Scholarship Online – 729, and Westlaw–1,935.
7.c Included in other operating expenditures.
18–20 Majority of vendors do not record data or provide it to us in a manner that meets the definitions of
the COUNTER Code of Practice.
2 Volume count increase is due in large part to e-book/electronic resource holdings.