48 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2011–2012
1 Excludes Berkeley holdings in HathiTrust.
10 Includes OPEB, OASDI, Medicare, workers comp., unemployment insurance, retirement, medical
and dental insurance, and benefit administration.
8.b Reduced support staff salaries and wages due to employee benefits not being included in the
2011–12 support salaries and wages but being in the 2010–11 support salaries and wages and due to a
reduction in support staff FTE from 15 to 13.
10 The UCLA employee benefit expenditures are as recorded in the UCLA general ledger in the UCLA
campus libraries accounts. They are not based on any fixed rate. Rather, they are recorded based on
the actual cost on an employee-by-employee level. So as employee’s health plan selections, amount
of vacation accruals, etc., vary, so do the employee benefit costs. They include the cost of retirement
contributions, health (medical, dental, vision), Social Security, Medicare, life insurance, disability
insurance, workers compensation, unemployment insurance, and vacation accrual. This expense
is increasing steadily and very substantially due to the UC wide mandated increases in retirement
contributions and also in part due to the annual increases in health insurance.
11 Not applicable to the UCLA Library. As noted in the prior footnote, all UCLA employee benefit
expenditures are based on individual employee selections of health insurance options and are
affected by employees’ earned annual amount of vacation, etc.
13.a Increase of Law Library professional staff is due to increased hiring of librarians: 4.0 additional FTE.
13.b Reduction in Law Library support staff by 2.0 FTE. Overall, while the UCLA Library is scrutinizing
all positions that become open to determine whether they should be filled, the library is focusing
its scarce resources more on professional, especially librarian positions, over support positions. The
Law Library seems to be following this strategy as well.
1 This is substantially larger increase in titles held than reported in previous years for the Law Library.
It includes the addition of bibliographic records for Westlaw, Lexis, and other electronic resources
cataloged at the individual title level that were imported into our catalog during the FY12 reporting
2 This is a substantial decrease in the number of volumes held for the Law Library. While the Law
Library added over 9,000 new volumes and electronic resource units to the collection, we withdrew
14,541 volumes from our off-site storage facility and 9,112 journal volumes from our onsite collection
during the FY12 reporting period. The Law Library also has access to a number of electronic
resources that are only counted in the Main Library’s statistics.
3 The Law Library uses a combination of physical volume count and bibliographic data extraction
in calculating its total volume count. Print volume count is performed physically, while electronic
resources are counted through bibliographic extraction.
4 The Law Library also has access to a number of e-books that are only counted in the Main Library’s
23–29 Reported on the Main Library’s statistics.
4 Decrease due to an accurate bib record title count there is no way to accurately count the number of
electronic volumes.
7 Inclusion of collection support expenditures accounts for the increase in total material expenditures.
1 Excludes Berkeley holdings in HathiTrust.
10 Includes OPEB, OASDI, Medicare, workers comp., unemployment insurance, retirement, medical
and dental insurance, and benefit administration.
8.b Reduced support staff salaries and wages due to employee benefits not being included in the
2011–12 support salaries and wages but being in the 2010–11 support salaries and wages and due to a
reduction in support staff FTE from 15 to 13.
10 The UCLA employee benefit expenditures are as recorded in the UCLA general ledger in the UCLA
campus libraries accounts. They are not based on any fixed rate. Rather, they are recorded based on
the actual cost on an employee-by-employee level. So as employee’s health plan selections, amount
of vacation accruals, etc., vary, so do the employee benefit costs. They include the cost of retirement
contributions, health (medical, dental, vision), Social Security, Medicare, life insurance, disability
insurance, workers compensation, unemployment insurance, and vacation accrual. This expense
is increasing steadily and very substantially due to the UC wide mandated increases in retirement
contributions and also in part due to the annual increases in health insurance.
11 Not applicable to the UCLA Library. As noted in the prior footnote, all UCLA employee benefit
expenditures are based on individual employee selections of health insurance options and are
affected by employees’ earned annual amount of vacation, etc.
13.a Increase of Law Library professional staff is due to increased hiring of librarians: 4.0 additional FTE.
13.b Reduction in Law Library support staff by 2.0 FTE. Overall, while the UCLA Library is scrutinizing
all positions that become open to determine whether they should be filled, the library is focusing
its scarce resources more on professional, especially librarian positions, over support positions. The
Law Library seems to be following this strategy as well.
1 This is substantially larger increase in titles held than reported in previous years for the Law Library.
It includes the addition of bibliographic records for Westlaw, Lexis, and other electronic resources
cataloged at the individual title level that were imported into our catalog during the FY12 reporting
2 This is a substantial decrease in the number of volumes held for the Law Library. While the Law
Library added over 9,000 new volumes and electronic resource units to the collection, we withdrew
14,541 volumes from our off-site storage facility and 9,112 journal volumes from our onsite collection
during the FY12 reporting period. The Law Library also has access to a number of electronic
resources that are only counted in the Main Library’s statistics.
3 The Law Library uses a combination of physical volume count and bibliographic data extraction
in calculating its total volume count. Print volume count is performed physically, while electronic
resources are counted through bibliographic extraction.
4 The Law Library also has access to a number of e-books that are only counted in the Main Library’s
23–29 Reported on the Main Library’s statistics.
4 Decrease due to an accurate bib record title count there is no way to accurately count the number of
electronic volumes.
7 Inclusion of collection support expenditures accounts for the increase in total material expenditures.