Footnotes · 53
6 Total now includes electronic expenditures.
8.a One phased retirement and two temporarily vacant positions.
8.b Loss of temporary position and transfer of technology support position to law school.
8.c Hourly rate increased, more students hired, and student desk coverage increased.
11 Percentage does not include estimate of $5k annually for health insurance.
17 Decreased demand for print and new calculation method.
18–20 Did not track.
10 Includes retirement, health insurance, life insurance, and miscellaneous fringe benefits (FICA and
Social Security).
1 In previous questionnaires, total number of titles reported was for print/electronic only. All formats
are included this year.
12, 18–20 Not available.
23 Last year, juris doctorates awarded were not reported.
27, 29 A new internal accounting system eliminated the number of students previously counted as part–
time, so this figure is no longer available.
1 Title count is dramatically higher this year because it includes 89,800 microfiche titles that were
added to the catalog.
10–11 Fringe amounts are based on the total salaries for professionals and staff. The rate is 24.5% for
professionals and 39.9% for staff.
1 Includes all formats for the first time. Includes some electronic titles for which we are “not providing
sustained stewardship and maintenance” because we cannot separate them.
2 Includes volumes for print and titles for electronic. We have no way to count electronic volumes.
4 Includes serials for the first time and includes titles only. We have no way to count electronic
10 Benefits include health insurance, life insurance, basic retirement, FICA, dental, long term disability,
and employee wellness programs and rewards.
17 Includes reserves we don’t count reserves separately.
20 Our federated search doesn’t provide these statistics.
1 Increase in titles held over prior year represents the new instruction that “identical content in
different forms” counts each format as a different title.
2 Decrease in volumes over prior year reflects the library’s move from print to digital.
8.b The decrease is due to staff assistants for special projects during 2010–2011 who were no longer on
payroll during 2011–2012.
8.c Reduction reflects reduced computer lab hours.
9 Total has been verified and is accurate. No other explanation available.
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