58 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2011–2012
RUTGERS, cont.
8.b $490,057 salaried employees plus $29,664 hourly employees. Several factors contributed to the
increase from 2010–2011: One staff member was on unpaid leave for 7-1/2 months in 2010–11 then
that position was vacant another month. A new half-time position was created, effective in only the
last three months of 2010–11 but throughout 2011–12. Negotiated increases took effect in 2011–12,
including lump-sum payments. [Newark Law Library]
8.c This year’s amount doesn’t include the cost of two expensive interns (one for the digitization project
and one for a PT reference assistant) that was included in the 2010–2011 survey amount. [Camden
Law Library]
8.c $29,482 work study plus $47,239 non-work study. Resources were devoted to a major digitization
project. [Newark Law Library]
10 38.2% of $1,198,333 salaries plus 7.3% of $28,000 extra pay plus 7.3% of $29,644 hourly wages.
[Newark Law Library]
13, 13.c We needed more student assistant FTEs during the 2011–2012 period in order to allow the library to
remain open (SAs went from FTE 2 to FTE 5). [Camden Law Library]
13.b 9.5 salaried plus 0.4 hourly (725.8 hours divided by 1,875 hours considered as FT, based on 37.5 hrs/
wk, 50 wks/yr). [Newark Law Library]
13.c 5,229.3 hours divided by 1,875 hrs/yr =2.8 FTE. [Newark Law Library]
14 Our number reported for 2010–2011 was based on figures given by each reference staff member. Half
(2) of the reference staff resigned this past summer and so were not available to confirm the number
of presentations for 2011–2012 survey. Consequently, we were forced to estimate the number of
presentations for the 2011–2012 period. [Camden Law Library]
16 4,503 at reference desk, 6,600 at circulation desk reporting period June–May. The 2010–11 figure
omitted transactions that occurred at the circulation desk. Including those brings the 2010–11 figure
to 9,060. [Newark Law Library]
21 Started using ILLiad system in 2011–12, with increases in efficiency. [Newark Law Library]
All figures are as of 04/30/2012.
4, 12 U/A
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars Collections Expenditures: (7a) $153,686 (7b)
$947,194 (7c) $5,033 (7) $1,105,913 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $151,667 (8b) $181,704 (8c) $19,395 (8)
$352,766 (10) $69,164 Overall Expenditures: (7) $1,105,913 (8) $352,766 (9) NA/UA (6) $1,458,679 (12)
NA/UA. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
8.a Decreased number of librarians, previously 2.5 FTE and now under 2.0 FTE.
11 The official designated percentage for fringe benefits varies by employee type: 15.94% for professional
staff, 23.68% for support staff, and 10.12% for student assistants.
18 COUNTER statistics specifically for Law is unavailable.
21 Less demand for document delivery and ILL in 2011/2012 than previous year.
7.c Binding $4,538.
9 Figure provided includes a substantial service fee ($28,644) for maintenance of our Innovative server.
In 2010–2011, this amount was included under question 25 computer hardware and software.
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