Footnotes · 55
13.a We lost one employee this year. The small number of professional positions we have accounts for the
substantial percentage decrease.
14 Presentations decreased during this reporting period. The number of participants, however,
increased so we are still providing instruction to a larger number of students.
15 The number of presentations decreased while participation increased. This would indicate we are
providing needed instruction.
17 Our circulation increased while our interlibrary loan decreased.
21 Increases in material supplied to other libraries, in this percentage range, are normal for us.
22 The decrease is attributable to better access to material online.
23 Starting with this survey, we are counting the Juris Doctorate degree in the PhD category.
2 Increase due to implementation of new buying plans to strategically increase legal treatise collection.
7 Includes physical collection plus electronic licenses and one-time purchases (total information
resources spending).
7.a Monographic purchases dropped in FY12.
7.b Includes print serials and integrating resources, $377,830.35 plus $239,806.93 for electronic licenses,
plus $20,005.00 for electronic one-time purchases.
9 Calculated using following percentages: 29%–FT faculty, 32.5%–FT staff, and 1%–students.
11 29%–FT faculty, 32.5%–FT staff, and 1%–students.
14–15 Made fewer presentations to groups.
16 Consistent with recent trend of fewer walk-up reference patrons.
18–20 Law Library searches are a subset of the University Libraries searches. There is no way to separate
the searches.
22 Newly hired tenure-track law faculty are publishing more and needed access to more materials not
on site.
2 We are counting paid electronic resources for the first time this year.
12 Not applicable.
19 We don’t maintain database search statistics.
20 We do not have a federated search engine.
1 Total listed includes only titles in book format.
4 Slowing in e-book growth due primarily to cancellation of ebrary electronic book collection in
9 Reduction in other operating expenditures results from significant purchases of furniture, shelving,
and carpet from library funds in 2010/2011.
10 The university designates 22.04% plus fixed health insurance of $5,192.
All figures are as of 08/31/2012.
7 Library was provided with one-time extra funding for the purchase of a database.
13.a We lost one employee this year. The small number of professional positions we have accounts for the
substantial percentage decrease.
14 Presentations decreased during this reporting period. The number of participants, however,
increased so we are still providing instruction to a larger number of students.
15 The number of presentations decreased while participation increased. This would indicate we are
providing needed instruction.
17 Our circulation increased while our interlibrary loan decreased.
21 Increases in material supplied to other libraries, in this percentage range, are normal for us.
22 The decrease is attributable to better access to material online.
23 Starting with this survey, we are counting the Juris Doctorate degree in the PhD category.
2 Increase due to implementation of new buying plans to strategically increase legal treatise collection.
7 Includes physical collection plus electronic licenses and one-time purchases (total information
resources spending).
7.a Monographic purchases dropped in FY12.
7.b Includes print serials and integrating resources, $377,830.35 plus $239,806.93 for electronic licenses,
plus $20,005.00 for electronic one-time purchases.
9 Calculated using following percentages: 29%–FT faculty, 32.5%–FT staff, and 1%–students.
11 29%–FT faculty, 32.5%–FT staff, and 1%–students.
14–15 Made fewer presentations to groups.
16 Consistent with recent trend of fewer walk-up reference patrons.
18–20 Law Library searches are a subset of the University Libraries searches. There is no way to separate
the searches.
22 Newly hired tenure-track law faculty are publishing more and needed access to more materials not
on site.
2 We are counting paid electronic resources for the first time this year.
12 Not applicable.
19 We don’t maintain database search statistics.
20 We do not have a federated search engine.
1 Total listed includes only titles in book format.
4 Slowing in e-book growth due primarily to cancellation of ebrary electronic book collection in
9 Reduction in other operating expenditures results from significant purchases of furniture, shelving,
and carpet from library funds in 2010/2011.
10 The university designates 22.04% plus fixed health insurance of $5,192.
All figures are as of 08/31/2012.
7 Library was provided with one-time extra funding for the purchase of a database.